For the next couple of hours, Kathrine and Adam sat outside the coffee shop. Nothing had been damaged inside, but there were already many people in there taking refuge due to the fact no one could return to their apartments. The fire department was slowly making rounds clearing each place. After being alive for so long, it surprised Annalies that she had never experienced an earthquake. She had no idea how the humans were supposed to react. Should they go volunteer? Should they sit around and wait until it's safe to reenter places? Luckily no buildings in the area had collapsed. The news on Kathrine's facebook feed said so. It was live and she stared at it as she sipped her sparkling tea. "The anchor says everything in the city should be back to normal in no time. Scientists are trying to figure out how a city not placed on a fault could possibly have a category 5 earthquake. Google said that a 5 was only one level down from a very serious earthquake." I stated simply. My mind went to the possibility of magic. Perhaps a witch in the area had been practicing some powerful magic and messed it up. OF course, I could not share this plausibility with anyone as witches were mythical creatures to the humans. So I simply sipped my tea and waited for the green light to return home. My video game day was being seriously messed with. --- "You aren't eating anyone. Think of it as..." His brain struggled to find an alternative metaphor to put her at ease, "Drinking a smoothy? I don't know, but you aren't eating a person. Please? Just get dressed and we'll get you feeling better. Besides, we probably have to vacate the building while they check foundations and such. I think that's what is supposed to happen after an earthquake." As she got dressed, he tried to call his sister. He knew that Anna would know how to handle this situation. He also knew that her way would likely be running away, but he didn't want that to happen either. When she didn't pick up Markus sighed and sat down on the couch with his face in his hands.