[@MasterKeun][@DeadlyPhoenix] Sal He watched the mice while continuing to ignore the new arrivals as each one entered. Not out of rudeness, but out of how intense his curiosity was with the animals. It was such that when the mice went into hiding, he shook his head suddenly as if he came out of a hypnotic trance. Then he heard her voice. Turning to her as he blinked his eyes a few times he smiled, noticing a pretty young lady. "I'll admit the mice surprised me, but now I see that you have a friendship together." As he caught her name, he bowed with one hand to his chest, "My name is Sal. You have a nice name, Mable." He nodded in understanding when she said that she didn't really go places and that this could make a good story. "Mable I'm the same way. Before this journey I just stayed at the Tavern running the place and cooking food for people. But now, I get the chance to learn a lot more about the world." He was going to ask her a question but alas the king arrived then... He did look impressive with his fancy robes and the way he strode through the room. It seemed to sal that the king had an aura around him. As the King did his intro. speech, sal listened attentively. Just as the last words left the King's mouth, sal spoke up. "Do we know what the Orc's plans are?" He asked the King.