[color=purple][center][h2]• Grayson Donovan •[/h2][/center][/color] [hr] Grayson returned with Harley to the bunker, enthralled and slightly unnerved by her immense power. The waves held the pair up with odd currents, feeling almost like a vortex around his legs, however he didn't spin in circles like he expected. The water carried Grayson and Harley back to the cliff they had originally dived off of; the two made their way on foot back to the bunker, slowly walking so as to spend more time together. Harley was completely dry, however Grayson's clothes were damp, but he didn't mention it to her, not wanting to complain. When the two finally made it back to the bunker, Harley mentioned a long list of responsibilities she had to attend to. Before Grayson could say anything flirtatious, she asked him not to use his powers alone, and the brief reminder of how much it had scared the both of them when he couldn't remeld into his body quelled any comments he could have made. Before he knew it, Harley had kissed him and was gone, leaving him standing alone in the doorway staring as she walked away. [color=darkorange]"Looks like someones having a good day."[/color] Grayson whipped his head around to see a young man smiling broadly at him, his eyebrows lifted upwards in a teasing manner. Grayson let out a pleased chuckle and looked back towards the direction Harley had left, attempting to hide the small amount of blush his face betrayed. Before the asteroid, having any kind of girl to kiss would have been something he had bragged about, however the events of the last year had sobered him up a bit. Harley wasn't just some girl he was making out with. She genuinely attracted him, and her confident spirit and tricky playfulness drew him in. He didn't wanna mess it up by being cocky. [color=purple]"Oh, shut up, Jake."[/color] Grayson turned back to face him and leaned against the wall, grinning broadly. [color=purple]"There's nothing wrong a little fun."[/color] Grayson attempted to play it off, trying not to reveal just how attracted he was to Harley.