[quote=@Archmage MC] [@HaltingBlooper] [hider=Steven Universe episode spoilers XD] And if the diamonds invade Earth, well... Earth has stuff that can literally set anything on fire, melt nearly anything (Chemistry is scary), and of course, the nuclear option so even if the humans don't have an XCOM set up, they're pretty much all fine with a small invasion unlike the first time. Though I have a feeling we're going to go in a 'the diamonds were once hitler, but now since they have experienced loss, they will be sympathetic and the Crystal Gems will need to let go of the past' sorta thing which is kinda annoying. Now if some diamonds like Blue go that way but some like Yellow or White go the other, then thats a much better story. [/hider] [/quote] [hider=On the diamonds] I think that Blue might get a redemption thing. We really don't know anything about White Diamond, and if Jasper isn't redeemable (not saying she should be), The Giraffe doesn't stand a chance.... Unless the show were to suddenly develop terrible writing. [/hider]