[center][IMG]http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll64/CK_Slade/Junjin.jpg[/IMG] [i][h1][b][color=red]Jae Park[/color][/b][/h1][/i][/center][hr][hr][center][i]Interacting with: [@POOHEAD189][/i][/center][hr][hr] Jae finished off his food as he watched Ben demonstrate what he can do. He wan't really surprised when he did a backflip but his eyes widened when Ben held himself up by only three fingers. [color=red]"Well, that's definitely something,"[/color] he commended before he looked towards where his backflipping friend was pointing. He spotted Harley by the corner, apparently asleep on the floor. He made a move to stand up to help her out but before he could, he saw Trinity walk towards her. He raised an eyebrow as he watched Trinity easily lift the other woman up as if she only weighed a pound. [color=red]"Guess it's a room full of super powers."[/color] he whistled low and then sat back down. He picked up his fork and waved it lazily at Ben. [color=red]"Have you tried pushing yourself to the limit yet?"[/color] he asked and then gestured towards the cafeteria doors. [color=red]"I'm gonna see how hot I can go later. Me and..."[/color] he paused as he looked around for Audrianna. [color=red][i]Probably back in the kitchen,[/i][/color] he thought to himself. Maybe he'll go ask if she still wanted to come with him later. [color=red]"...maybe Aud are going out for some much needed test runs and practice and maybe nab ourselves something to cook if we're lucky. Wanna tag along?"[/color] [hr][center][@Wick] [@Aeternum] [@RumikoOhara] [@Spinosaurus] [@alexfangtalon] [@Venku] [@December] [@FunnyGuy] [@King Tai] [@Oliver][/center]