[b]GM Post - Jedi Team[/b] Master Windu's holo looks to the side for a moment. "The Senate is still deadlocked over the problems with the Separatist systems and the military creation act, and Coruscant is a...tense place right now. It may not be wise to bring members of an unknown military force here, nor is it likely the Council could give this matter the appropriate amount of attention at this time." The hologram shifts to Master Yoda's serene image. "A Senator perhaps, not on Coruscant, we require. On Naboo, Senator Amidala is. Possible it is, that she could help us in this matter." The image transitions back to Windu. "Any additional Jedi presence would have to be discreet, so as to not compromise the Senator's safety, however I believe that would be the best option under the circumstances."