[quote=@Gowi] [@Xiro Zean] [hider= O C H R E (Maxwell)] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/fNAS06d.png[/img][hr][hr] [b][h1][color=orange]M A X W E L L[/color] /// [color=orange]O C H R E[/color][/h1][/b] [img]http://pre08.deviantart.net/db12/th/pre/f/2015/053/0/9/armorsmith_by_kotocca-d8j1gbh.png[/img] [color=orange][b]“Not everything needs to happen all at once. Some things just need a little time.”[/b][/color][/center] [color=black][h3] O V E R V I E W[/h3] [/color] [color=orange][sub]N A M E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Maxwell Castillo[/color][/indent] [color=orange][sub]A V A T A R[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Ochre[/color][/indent] [color=orange][sub]A G E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]22[/color][/indent] [color=orange][sub]G E N D E R[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Male[/color][/indent] [color=orange][sub]V I S A G E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Ochre can be identified as a lean, Caucasian male, who stands at a relatively average height of 166cm, displaying intriguing jade eyes and raven-black hair. While usually seen in light, leather cloth that boasts a bronze pauldron on the left shoulder, it would not be surprising to see him wrapped within a cloak, equiped with chainmail under scale armor, or donning full platemail while out in the field. His entire figure, despite his current state of movement, seems to be in perpetually sedated position, as if the state of affairs in the immediate world around him are merely just another second in time. [/color][/indent] [color=orange][sub]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray] Ochre is slow. That is not an insult to his intelligence, despite the popular belief that he is mentally impaired as well. No, the description is used to describe him as a person. Everything he does, despite its true speed, seems downplayed in comparison to the actions of others. If a line of people moved at an equal pace, with the same tempo and in a perfectly straight line, the drill sergeant composing the practice would shout at him to pick up his pace. It is an almost instinctual reaction to his presence, to the lethargic air that seems to encompass his sphere of influence. Even in combat, as he moves throughout the field, setting traps on the fly and slicing at foes as quickly as any fighter, his allies have frequently noted that the man works less than the rest of them. It befuddles everyone around him, even those who are knowledgeable of his passionate side, of the man who would go far and beyond the call of duty to get a job done. If it wasn't for his similarly fervent attachment to the bonds between others, a close friend would think him more suited for Draethir than Queon. This unhurried nature spreads to his mannerisms as well, having no sense of the word "Quickness" in his consistency of arriving late to every sort of function or meeting. Any person who knows of him understand to give him the time of a meeting up to thirty minutes earlier than the designated, as to make sure he shows up on time. Something to note about him is his patience, and while it may strengthen the idea of his unnatural sluggishness, it is probably one of the main reasons for his success in Pariah. Minutes, Hours, and once, even Days, he is capable of waiting out the perfect circumstance, springing a trap when the most optimal situation may appear. During special occasions, however, one would be amazed at the speed of his momentum, taking him from point A to point B in record time for the sake of his companions. But, as fitting of a Sikth, this sort of behavior is seen rarely, to the point where his closest friends may comment that "a blue moon is more common than seeing Ochre move quickly". Any who are capable of seeing past such idiosyncrasies would find a young man capable of extraordinary compassion, taking to heart any sort of problems a person may have and seeking to make it right, even complete strangers. Anger is not a word in his vocabulary, accompanying "Haste" in the mental garbage bin, though irritation is very likely to be present within a situation that isn't solved within the first few tries. Any mistakes or issues with his own person are corrected almost immediately, though retaining his amendments may take a few weeks. The only exception to this is his own skills, and a one track mind is set on developing the strongest set of armor in Pariah. While he is still far from reaching that goal, he gains another step closer everyday. [/color][/indent] [color=orange][sub]B A C K G R O U N D[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray] Honestly, there's not much to say about his life. He lives in a modest apartment, graduated with a college degree in the past year, and even more recently found an internship as a business associate. His only sibling, his sister, is going through her freshman year in a university, sending him postcards from her little corner of the world. His parents, happy for his accomplishments, drive to see him every month to catch up, enjoy each others company, and generally live life in a joyous manner. However, a few months ago, his sibling sent him a package instead of an envelope. Curious, he opened the container to find a copy of the latest hit "game", Pariah, and the regular postcard he usually received. Apparently, his parents and his sister had pooled money together in order to give him a congratulatory gift for his currently progressing life. Having forgotten to buy one for him on the day itself, it was agreed to procure a present more opulent than they otherwise would have. Touched by the gesture, he started up the program only minutes after receiving it. He remembered to thank them for the gift a week later with a surprise visit to his sibling, and a big hug to his parents when they came for their routine visit to his home. [/color][/indent] [color=black][h3] A T T R I B U T E S[/h3] [/color] [color=orange][sub]R O L E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Support[/color][/indent] [color=orange][sub]A F F I L A T I O N[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Sikth[/color][/indent] [color=orange][sub]P R O F E S S I O N[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Scavenger[/color][/indent] [color=orange][sub]W E A P O N O F C H O I C E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Griffzungenschwert, though the use of a Hammer cannot be unfounded[/color][/indent] [color=orange][sub]B E N C H M A R K S[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray] [hider=Physical] Exploit Armor Weakness - [i]Many foes have some sort of armor equipped onto their person within the world of Pariah. Metals, scales, shells, all sorts of protection that may deflect or mitigate the extent of injuries created by attacks. Having created a variety of armors himself, Ochre has used his experience to innately pinpoint the flaws within the protective coverings of his enemies, taking advantage of openings and cracks that naturally occur, or even those created by wear and tear to harm the more malleable, fragile flesh underneath.[/i] Magical Trap Creation - [i]Gathering materials from the creatures of Pariah is quite vexing, as combat with monsters and beasts may unintentionally render such elements useless, marred by cuts, fractures, and other sorts of disfigurement. As such, Ochre has taken measures in order to keep his targets as closest to completely intact as possible, delaying the activation times of debilitating spells that cause afflictions capable of incapacitating targets, such as momentarily restricting movement via paralytic sparks, plagues of vertigo and blinding flares, or slow-acting poisons useful for steadily draining a monster of its energy. Through practice, he has gained the ability to "set" such spells at designated locations, and granting them the ability to be remotely activated by special conditions, such as proximity or pressure.[/i] Second Skin - [i]As Ochre crafted more, and more, and more varieties of armor and attire, he slowly became used to each individual style, the contours and shape of each becoming as familiar as an old friend. As a result, he is able to move unrestrained in any sort of armor, from the lightest cloak to the heaviest platemail.[/i] [/hider] [hider=Mental] Optimal Decortication - [i]Hunting monsters and beasts within the world of Pariah is commonplace, the corpses of the fallen creatures holding unrefined treasures that are just waiting to be put to use. Noting this aspect through his own musings, Ochre has developed the precise talent of extracting materials from the corpses of monsters, selling the procured components for money from fellow merchants, or making use of them for his own desires.[/i] Proficient Leatherworking - [i]Through his natural routine of skinning the creatures that fall in battle, Ochre accumulated a surplus of pelts and hides from multiple species of beast and monster. To keep his efforts from falling to the way side, Ochre has matured for himself the facility of crafting leather instruments from the materials he collects. From clothing, to decorations, to actual musical instruments, Ochre has developed his art to a fine point, capable of creating a multitude of products for both his business, and for himself. [/i] Competent Blacksmithing - [i]While harder to come across than pelts, metal is a commodity common within caves and dungeons. Being an adventurer as well as a merchant, Ochre was able to come into possession of such materials from the areas he visited, and monsters defeated. Supplementing his Leatherworking skills, Ochre expounded on his craftsmanship, molding and striking metal into equipment and trinkets as well as he sew leather. [/i] Adept Armorsmithing - [I]Protection is key within the world of Pariah. When an enemy is more nimble, stronger, smarter, and generally a better combatant than another, the only way the underdog would be able to win is by the state of his equipment. Specifically, his armor. After developing his skills in shaping cloth and metal, Ochre was able to use such talents in the development of protective equipment, ranging from light, heavy, and even domestic pieces of attire. While not as efficient as the enchanted apparatuses rewarded through high-level dungeoneering, his works are a cut above the average. [/I] Traveling Salesman - [i]Taking the phrase “off the beaten path” literally, Ochre has become a well-versed salesman in the art of "travel". A vendor no matter where he is, no matter the place, situation or time, due to the fact he is constantly moving and selling his wares in towns throughout the realm. This has given him trade awareness within various provinces as well as an understanding of the various economies of aforementioned provinces, picking up information from the multiple prefectures that others would lack.[/i] [/hider] [/color][/indent] [color=orange][sub]R O U G H V I R T U A L H I S T O R Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]A peculiarity within the secretive Sikth, the name "Ochre" would have most people outside of the pathos scratching their heads. Who is that? Isn't that the name of a color? Inside, however, many know of the Blacksmith like one would a childhood friend. A numerous amount of those who know his name have some sort of equipment on their person created by the man, each of them vouching for his efficiency and the longevity of his works. A helmet here, an arm guard there, some have entire sets of armor that they could certify were molded by his hands. Although, many who browse his wares wonder how he procures materials for the durable pieces he makes, and are usually surprised by the answer. He obtains them, himself. Supporting large raiding parties, accompanying travelers, and sometimes on his own, each and every one of his creations were made with his tireless labor, both with the anvil and with the sword. Many may call him a fanatic, others a man to stick along side. Those who truly know him, and understand his rather unsightly habits... Don't want to deal with his perpetual down tempo.[/color][/indent] [/hider] Had to attribute character color to the section headers, but that’s about it on the “Gowi is a OCD moron” front. So let's get to the meat of things. This... this might take awhile to read. [b]Benchmarks:[/b] If you are content with lacking a full physical list, no comments here. Um... it's good? Excellent really. Good to go. [img]http://i.imgur.com/rbjjy8s.gif[/img] [/quote] Horrah! My stupidly-long-to-make-CS wasn't utterly annihilate- Uh, I mean... Thanks :D There is a lack of Physical Benchmarks to underline Ochre's main role: A merchant. Most of his time in Pariah was taken up in his Armorsmithing and selling his pieces off. There wasn't really much time to build up on any sort of Physical Benchmarks for him, but I guess if I really wanted to I could give him enhanced strength for working at his forge for so long... Or give him some sort of Benchmark that could make up for his lack of presence on the battlefield. Sure, he can fight as well as any other Adventurer who has played as long as he has, but don't expect for his efforts to be seen at first glance.