[hider=Lilith Toma] [b]Name/Nicknames: [/b] Lilith Toma [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b] Gender:[/b] [s]Trigendered pyrofox Apachehelicopterkin[/s] Female [b] Appearance:[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f8/ba/9e/f8ba9e6bd916e1ed07f2dcf9a3c61c78.jpg[/img] A testament to the twisted capabilities of the human mind, and nothing less. Lilith looks overwhelmingly normal at first glance, maybe slightly attractive even, with scarred olive skin and dirty raven hair that usually stays tied back in a long ponytail. She stands at a fairly average build, with a body that would certainly be sturdy and curvaceous had she recieved a proper upbringing. Covering almost all of her skin, and especially her forearms, is a motley assortment of clothes - an old kevlar vest from a corporate security uniform, a ragged and patched garment that looks to be half competently stitched from a mixture of various animal hides and matching pants, a bullet hole riddled heavy duster that moves with a telling weight that gives away the armored plates sewn on the inside - and a curiously clean and intact black cowboy hat. Clumped on her shoulder around her neck is a crude but effective shemagh fashioned from an old burlap sack. Closer inspection reveals sleek chrome looking metal poking through the skin of her arms, strange ports on the back of her neck, and the fact that she weighs nearly 130 kilograms (286 pounds) despite looking for all the world like a normal malnourished wastelander. [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Strengths:[/b] [b]Intelligent:[/b] While it rarely surfaces through the mask of anger, violence, and drugs, Lilith sports a keen mind, frequently spotting patterns or probabilities that might not be otherwise obvious. Dulled somewhat by a life that gave her no room to bloom, she still retains a keen wit and can be surprisingly perceptive - when calm. [b]Weapon Master:[/b] While no close combat master, Lilith can come pretty close to claiming that title at range. Favoring an aged but good condition [url=http://www.turnbullmfg.com/wp-content/gallery/17517/17517_1886_detail1.jpg]Winchester Model 1886[/url] for the raw power of its .45-70 cartridges, and a much newer looking [url=http://www.floridasportsman.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/12/files/building-a-1911-long-slide/big-iron-4.jpg]1911 pistol [/url] with an unusally long slide in the classic .45, the implants in her arms and brain grant her a steadyness of aim and reaction time that border on the unbelievable. While no action movie hero, her improved reflexes have saved her hide on more than one occasion. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [b]Angry:[/b] Lilith finds herself prone to the occasional sudden, inexplicable, and nearly uncontrollable outburst of anger. While she is capable of restraining herself with those she considers friendly, more than one argument has turned lethal as a result of a sudden blood rage. [b]EMP Weakness:[/b] Like any other being with electronic parts, Lilith is highly susceptible to EMP weaponry. While such a weapon will not permanently incapacitate her, it will render her paralyzed for at least half an hour or more while her systems repair themselves. [b]Remote Control Human:[/b] While not currently an issue, Lilith’s motor cortex has been wired to a wireless transmission module implanted in her skull - should someone find a way of accessing its frequency and issuing commands to it, she will be a spectator in her own body as the commands of another override her own mind. There was a time when she did not even breath with permission - she is not eager to return to that time. (The means to control her could be pieced together by anyone with significant computer skill and enough resources to play around with to build the controls) [b]Personality:[/b] (I prefer to show this IC, if possible) [b]Skills/Attributes:[/b] Almost preternatural marksmanship skills Calculator like ability at large number crunching Speaks fluent Spanish [b]Back-story:[/b] Lilith was born in what used to be the US state of Texas in circumstances identical to those of many wastelanders - destitute, hungry, barely able to find enough water to drink to stave off death. Her early memories are hazy at best, but she remembers learning to shoot a rifle and which plants were and were not safe to eat - mostly by trial and error and the misfortune of others. However, at the age of 16 she was sold into slavery. The exact reasons are unknown, but she has little difficulty guessing them. However, contrary to her expectations, she was not taken to serve as some sex slave for a depraved gang leader, but bought in bulk along with every other captive. Their purchaser, a man who referred to himself only as Moses, spoke eloquently and dressed snappily - quite unlike any other denizens of the wasteland she had ever seen before. Clad in a monocle and pristine suit, he had lead his new property to a hidden lab somehow carved into a solid rockface. Lilith had been uncertain of just what fate awaited her inside, but what little snippets of conversation she had heard, mention of experiments and scientific breakthroughs, did not bode well. Over the next few months, almost all of his new acquisitions perished under his ministrations, and a growing heap of malformed bones began to grow in the far corner of his lab. Except for Lilith, unique among the captives, her body had not only not rejected whatever he implanted her with, but seemed to bond inseperably with it - much to “Moses”’ surprise and delight. For years, she knew nothing but experiments, testing, and pain from innumerable surgeries. She never even learned to read, or had the time to entertain herself whatsoever - almost certainly leading to her rather hedonistic but hollow way of spending free time, knowing no other satisfaction than those of base urges. Throughout the ordeal, she struggled not only to maintain her sanity, but her own identity and individuality. Viewed as more of a two legged guinea pig, albeit a valuable one, every day was a battle, one she only barely barely won through sheer bloody minded stubbornness. When she finally reached the age of twenty she was deemed ready. Innumerable additions had been made to her body, reinforced bones, cybernetic arm muscles granting her strength to equal that of any well fed man, enhancements to her motor cortex that turned a normal motion into an effortless, graceful dance. And a chip in her head, one that allowed “Moses” to control her every motion, every word she spoke. She could not do so much as wipe sweat from her brow without being permitted. A prisoner in her own body, she became both a walking advertisement to mercenaries and scientists, and a remorseless and brutally efficiant bodyguard. Eventually however, despite all his paranoia over his own safety, the most mundane of things did her puppetmaster in. A mutfruit, infected or contaminated with some disease, toxin, or radioactive waste, found its way into his dinner meal, and Lilith watched with glee as the man who had turned her life into a hellish prison of her own mind died within hours - there was nothing she could’ve done, but the lack of new commands had locked her in place next to his bed for the full duration until he finally died. It had been uncomfortable to stand stock still, but it had been oh so sweet watching him take his final pained gasps of air. Finally, she was free. Truly free - she could sit when she wanted, eat when she wanted, breathe however she wanted, no insidious marionette strings pulled in her mind - and she was lost. She knew [i]how[/i] to survive of course, but to what end? She had had all the time in the world to think for the four years she had been a walking puppet, but now that she could act, she was at an impasse. With little better idea of what to do with her newfound freedom, she struck out for the nearest caravan, mercenary company, scavenging expedition, or anything in between - packing everything of value from the old man’s belongings she could think of and demolishing anything to do with his research. She drifted for a few years, going wherever the winds blew her, eventually ending up in Shady Sands. [b]Other:[/b] If I think of something I shall put it heeeeere [/hider]