[@The1Rolling1Boy] [color=00aeef]"I'm glad you are, dear."[/color], he said in response, offering her a soft smile as he then took a few more steps in to proceed with the routinary check. He was used to patients talking to their imaginary voices, it wasn't something 'out of the normal' at all, considering they were in an asylum and there were plenty of schizofreniac and psychotic patients. However, he was a little startled when he heard the girl's later words. [color=00aeef]"What do you mean, Chara? ... Was someone mean to you, did they treat you bad?"[/color], he asked her with a velvet voice, not meaning to altere her or anything. [i][color=00aeef]God! Did she-...? Was that the why the nurse was so freaked out?[/color][/i], he mused innerly. He looked away, writing down on his clipboard and giving her the time to reply.