Morthos chuckled as Esmy put her hood up to try and hide her thieving nature. Hiding his identity was more work than it was worth, and over time Morthos had learned to be proud of his heritage. While he wasn't nobility, in a way he was, as all tieflings were descended from the nobility of the lost nation of Bael Turath. As they passed by the guards they weren't given any trouble but he knew the guards were giving him strange looks. Once inside though Morthos felt a lot more comfortable, among other adventurers, he just hoped they didn't hold a prejudice against tieflings like others he had met in the past. "Few more people than I thought there would be," he said to Esmy. That didn't bother him though, the money was kind of the least important part of the adventure. To Morthos the part he cared about was the learning experience. Soon after arriving the king came out and gave his first little speech, and someone asked what the orcs plans may be. Morthos decided to give his theory, "I'm no expert, but if I had to guess they probably just want to conquer the kingdom and add it to their territory. They probably don't have a grand plan other than that, if history is anything to go by." Morthos had done a lot of reading on orcs in preparation for fighting them, the most powerful weapon he could wield was knowledge.