[center][b][center][h2][color=8882be]Aki Ogawa[/color][/h2][/center][/b][/center][center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/5b3c2540-3de1-4789-99d9-df1bb4609548.png[/img][/center][center][b]Interacting with [@pkken][/b][/center] It was all a purple, metallic flash to Aki. A large hole opened up behind where Ken missed, a blinding purple orb decimated the building, and suddenly Aki was face down in rubble and dirt. The only thing that surprised Aki more than what he just witnessed was that, simply put, [i]the hostage was still intact[/i]. Out of some strange occurrence, or perhaps his own reflexes, Aki had caught and protected the hostage with the whatever was left of his barrier. Getting up slowly from the thick, grey dust that now caked the ground around him, the plain boy allowed the clone to get up as well before turning to his opponent. Aki could only assume this was the tall boy's doing, a quick and decisive maneuver that not only destroyed the building, but also the bookworm's chances of winning. If Aki were to fight with his quirk now, he risked muscle spasms, or worse. He approached Ken quietly, his gym uniform ripped and soiled with grime almost as much as his counterpart's, and extended a hand of surrender towards the villian. [color=8882be][i]"You win. I can't fight. Well done"[/i][/color], Aki said in a hoarse, and almost proud, tone. He waited until Ken hesitantly shook his hand before talking into the team comm. [color=8882be][i]"Ken's at the building where I was with the hostage. I'm not gonna be able to fight anymore"[/i][/color] [color=8882be][i]"My team is probably coming. Thought I'd give you a fair warning"[/i][/color], Aki informed the victor of the dual. The bookworm was not sour about the outcome of this fight in the least. It was good exercise, and Ken had made up for his brashness in class. Anyways, he never needed the extra credit in the first place. Aki smiled at Ken slightly, concluding with, [color=8882be][i]"Now, if you'll excuse me"[/i][/color] [center][b]Blaargh...[/b] [i]Plop[/i][/center] The bookworm became sick all over a piece of rubble before fainting abruptly, his body slamming into the destroyed ground and bringing up a large cloud of dust. Aki was never an athletic or enduring person, so this battle truly took everything out of him. He would have to improve his physique if he was ever to become good at this heroing thing. But for now, he needed to rest...