[center][h3][color=ed1c24]The Bonesnapper Tribe[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] [b]E) Explore[/b] Upon seeing the great heights of the western mountain, Nagrub smiled wide. This land had beasts of strength and size to give even one as great and fierce as him a struggle, what other wonders did this new land hide in her vastness? Raising his mighty war axe, or 'choppa' as orcs tended to call them, and pointing the great weapon in the direction of the western peak, Nagrub loudly proclaimed that the Bonesnapper tribe would see what lied there and beyond. For it was a sign from the green gods! Surely anything that laid within the shadow of that great height was worthy of a orcish brawl. Thus, with high spirits and a hope for a good fight in their hearts, a expedition was sent with Nagrub himself leading the warband. In his abscence from Iron Rock, Wurtag the Greenseer would administrate the camp and ensure stability while the Warlord was away. What the mad Shaman would get up to without the domineering presence of his warboss was anyone's guess, though from the mad look in his eyes and his obsession with spiky, and thus orcish, architecture gave the boyz around him an idea of his intentions. [hider= Summary] - Nagrub heads an expedition west towards the 'great mountain' in the hopes of finding something worthy of conquest or a good ol' orcish scrap. Meanwhile, Wurtag holds regency over Iron Rock in Nagrub's absence.[/hider]