[center]Su-Mi Kim[/center] [center][img]http://i1127.photobucket.com/albums/l630/kim23412/title726150919_zps01skcjyh.png [/img][/center] Su-Mi Had heard the several loud crashes and grunts not too far from her location.[color=7bcdc8] "that doesn't sound good...."[/color] She ran towards the noise drawing closer and closer to finally see the conflict between Bith Ken and Aki. [color=7bcdc8]"Oh shit..they really are going at each other,"[/color] she muttered to the voice who only responded with. [i][color=ed1c24]"Are we just going to let that cocky bastard beat him?!"[/color][/i] Su-MI shook her head as she felt a flare of anger. [color=7bcdc8]"HELL NO!" [/color]she shouted out loud as she ran. [color=8493ca]"Ken's at the building where I was with the hostage. I'm not gonna be able to fight anymore"[/color] Su-Mi heard as she headed to the origin of distress. She replied back quickly.[color=7bcdc8] "hang tight, tries to leave the area I'm right there!"[/color] she announced as she quickly ran into the building. Or what was left of the building. Smoke, rubble, and dust adorned the area. Her eyes squinted as she looked to see Aki sprawled on the floor. Her heart raced...[color=7bcdc8]"oh no....Raja please there's no way I can do this without y-"[/color] [i][color=ed1c24]"That's it! Wheres the bastard!"[/color][/i] the voice called Su-Mi felt her fist clench..once again without her control. Raja was almost to the breaking point. Su-Mi's face hardened as she spotted Ken standing there tall and proud. Su-Mi wouldn't be so tactical in these situations...but her stress levels and anger levels weren't high enough to make her go into a frenzy..yet. "You did this?" she asked playing dumb.[i][color=ed1c24] "You sure seem powerful"[/color][/i] she muttered bitterly. She stayed her ground as she slowly made her way towards Aki. "Oh lord...Aki.." she kneeled to him lifting up his head. Now she was starting to get scared...If Aki couldn't handle him...How in the hell could she?! [i][color=ed1c24]"Trust me..I know we can" [/color][/i] [@pkken] [@Gutshot]