[center][h1][color=gray]Kai[/color] / [color=fff200]Nina[/color][/h1][/center] Shortly after getting her plant the needed space, the thought that Kai brought to Nina kept poking around in her mind being a person with powers. If she indeed have the power to manipulate plant-life's growth and feel what they feel, what else could she do? Taking the plant with her, he noticed Kai was asking for help to get down but she spoke up to him while grabbing him from the wall and tried pulling him down, which worked but the moment he finally touched the floor, he started puking. [color=gray]*BLURGH!!* Damn...[/color] he said looking up and panting towards Nina [color=gray]Thanks...[/color] he said [color=gray]So this is what happens when I'm off the ground for too long...[/color] he said [color=fff200]Kai, you should be more careful. You seem to stick to walls and float. You never told me what your abilities are...[/color] [color=gray]Ain't it obvious....the laws of gravity don't apply to me unless I can fly. I don't know the full extent of my ability yet.[/color] Nina folded her arms [color=fff200]Well you seemed to have gained a little control of your ability.[/color] Kai shook his head [color=gray]Nah...not at all. Yeah I've practiced in here but I'm afraid to go outside, thinking I'm going to float away.[/color] Nina smirked [color=fff200]It's one way to find out...I'm going to test what you said to me about manipulating plants. Why not come out and practice a little and maybe try to get something to eat too...like hunting whatever creature we can find.[/color] Standing after composing himself, a little chuckle escaped from Kai's lips. [color=gray]I don't know about going outside...what if I float away?[/color] [color=fff200]I believe that you will be able to focus enough to get yourself down.[/color] [color=gray]Yeah but what if I don't?[/color] [color=fff200]Kai....how are you going to master your abilities if you're not willing to push yourself? Yes...it's a scary thought that you could float away but that should give you plenty of motivation to gain better control of your powers. I'm scared too because I have no idea how far my powers could go but I won't know unless I try. Please...Kai...we want to be cool too like the others....[/color] she said holding her hand out. Kai hesitated and grabbed her hand and smirked [color=gray]Alright....I'm blaming you if I float to the ends of the earth and end up with a mountain up my ass...[/color] Nina giggled a bit [color=fff200]Deal![/color] she said as they headed out of the bunker to start practice. When they opened the hatch and the sun beamed, Nina was the first to come out with the plant and had to shade her eyes a bit before they adjusted and turned, waiting for Kai. Ever since Kai gained his abilities, he didn't go outside at all. He was peeking out like a meerkat from it's burrow and slowly crawled out acting really cautious. [color=fff200]See...you're still grounded....nothing to be afraid of...[/color] she said as she held her hand out to Kai to get him all the way outside. When she pulled a little, Kai smirked feeling confident until the little jerking force caused him to life off the ground from his assisting step. [color=gray]Oh shit...oh shit oh shit...[/color] he started levitating a little while he still held Nina's hand. Going up a little more, while connected, his body started to shift upside down while he started panicking [color=gray]OH SHIT!!! Nina get me down![/color] he said as his floating was starting to cause Nina to go with him as nothing was above him to stop from going higher. [color=fff200]Kai!...calm down, just focus on getting down....come on...[/color] She said as Kai was trying to calm himself but Nina's feet gently lifted from the ground now but Kai still was not in full control yet while Nina continued rising with him. [color=fff200]Kai!!![/color] She called out as Kai was trying his best to get them down. It wasn't until Kai could feel them stopping that he thought he gained control [color=fff200]I.....I was wondering...if this would work...[/color] Nina said as she looked down at the plant's grown and extended stems turned vine-like and wrapped around Nina's ankles, holding them in place long enough for Kai to focus them back to the ground. [@Wick][@Aeternum][@RumikoOhara][@Kyrisse][@Spinosaurus][@December][@Venku][@alexfangtalon][@POOHEAD189][@FunnyGuy][@oliver]