[CENTER][img]http://www.watchmojo.com/uploads/blipthumbs/Fi-M-The-Flash-Origins-Barry-Allen-720p30_480.jpg[/img][h1][color=red][b]THE FLASH[/b][/color][/h1][hr][sup][color=yellow]"Sorry I'm late."[/color] [/sup][h3][sup][sup][color=RED]B A R R Y A L L E N [color=yellow]♦[/color] 19th M A R C H 1981 [color=YELLOW]♦[/color] M A L E [color=yellow]♦[/color] H E R O[/color][/sup][/sup][/h3] [/CENTER] [COLOR=red][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i]Similar to the Jay Garrick Story. I want to incorporate what I feel to be the best parts of the Barry Allen story and background, in order to create a fun and fulfilling story. His origin I am purposefully going to leave blank, however in the next section I will detail some of the villains he has already faced. So for anyone who doesn't want potential spoilers on the Jay Garrick story don't read it. The main reason I want to do this is I love the character, and I like the idea of writing two Flashes concurrently and showing the difference between the two. While Jay and Barry have their similarities they are also very much their own entities, this Barry Allen will be the Flash after Jay has died (in events I won't mention) and a member of the Justice League. What I'm looking forward to most is the Jay Garrick and Barry Allen interaction, in Barrys past and Jays future. I just feel it's a unique way to write and I'm super interested to write it in that way. In terms of Rogues, it'll be more or less his standard. Other than his origin the main thing I will be doing with Flash is incorporating the Marvel Universe into his mythos. Rather than a complete retelling.[/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=yellow][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]N O T E S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i] [hider=History] [color=Red][b]2000:[/b][/color] Barry Allen is impressed as the hero from the comic books he read as a kid, [color=ed1c24][i]The Flash[/i][/color] appears to fight the invading Dominator Forces. Shortly after a freak lightning bolt gives him the powers of super speed, following the ideal of his childhood hero Barry takes on the mantle and tries to be a hero. It isn't long before he gathers the attention of Jay Garrick, who begrudgingly agrees to train him so that the two of them together can take on the Speedster known as Savitar during a crisis in Central and Keystone city. He becomes the next [color=Red]Flash[/color] at only 19. [color=yellow][b]2000(Pt2):[/b][/color] After debuting and becoming an active hero, he is approached by members of ARGUS who seek to recruit him. He refuses the offer, instead (using Jay Garricks connections) goes on to join the Justice League. [color=Red][b]2002:[/b][/color] Crime in the Gem Cities decreases, as Barry Allen is able to play a more proactive role as a crime fighter than his predecessor. Due to singular defeat a group of 'Rogues' under the leadership of Captain Cold forms. They do battle throughout the years. [color=Yellow][b]2003:[/b][/color]Barry meets Iris' ten year old Nephew Wally West, who is distant and often yelled at for 'daydreaming' about the Flash. Barry decides to introduce Wally to the Flash and retells the story of how he became the Flash, including organising a chemical cabinent to the way it was in order to make him the Flash. Before he is able to return the lab to normal he is called away by the Justice League and young Wally electrocutes himself while dousing himself in chemicals covering him in burns. Only later do his powers develop, feeling a sense of guilt Barry takes him on as his sidekick. Kid Flash. [color=Red][b]2004:[/b][/color]Barry confesses his true identity to the young speedster, as he confronts a villain from Jay Garricks past. The Rival. Only together do the two speedsters manage to defeat him. [color=yellow][b]2005:[/b][/color] Barry Allens long time friend, August Heart confesses to witnessing the accident that gave Barry his Speed and as to having speed from the Savitar incident. He debuts for a brief period as a 'Partner' to the Flash. Though when his brother is killed he changes persona to the villianous 'Godspeed'. He then hunts down and kills speedsters while killing any criminal without mercy. Jay Garrick is killed before Barry Allen manages to subdue Godspeed and imprison him in Iron Heights. Wally is shaken by the encounter, and under advisement from Barry hangs up the costume for some time. [color=Red][b]2007:[/b][/color] Barry Allen proposes to his longterm Girlfriend and reporter, Iris West. Kid Flash returns! [color=Red][b]2010:[/b][/color] Kid Flash, after seven years of having his powers, becomes a founding member of the Teen Titans. Much as both flashes had had founding roles in the Justice Society and Justice League. [color=yellow][b]2012[/b][/color] Jesse Quick, the daughter of Johhnie quick debuts in Central City. She and the now older Wally West have a brief relationship. Though it ends when she decides to go and travel the world. [color=yellow][b]2015[/b][/color] A mysterious speedster in a yellow suit, the reverse of the Flash is seen in Central City on a number of occasions. Though he disappears almost as quickly as he is seen, and doesn't appear to do anything of consequence. [color=Red][b]2017:[/b][/color] As Iris announces her pregnancy, Barry dubs Wally [color=Red]The Flash[/color] and gives him the responsibility of looking after Keystone city, though reminds him that if he ever needs help that Barry will 'be there in a Flash'. [/hider][/i][/indent][/indent]