When she said she had a good time, a smile moved across his face as he stared down into his hot chocolate. Why would she ask to spend more time with him if she wasn’t having a good time? “Pity,” He responded as he brought his drink up to his lips speaking into his cup. “Pity for a smitten fool.” His ears perked when he heard her question and his blue gaze turned to her when she asked if he had fun. A small smile curled his fine lips as he nodded. “Of course I did, would I have agreed to bring you back here if I didn’t?” His voice sounding just as teasing as she had towards him. That was until she asked a question he wasn’t expecting. His cheeks and ears turned red with embarrassment as he stared down in his half empty cup. His fingers played a gentle tapping tune against the ceramic; what did girls expect from a situation like this? Was a guy supposed to be experienced? He couldn’t just flat out lie to her. But would she find it awkward that he… well he didn’t have experience. “N…” He began to speak before the ringing bell echoed through his home. As she jumped his head jerked towards the door, surprise visible on his face as he gently set his cup down. “Pardon me.” He said in a gentle manner as he stepped passed her and to the hallway before opening the door. There nearly tumbled in his classmate, “Ruby.” He said in surprise as she nearly fell on him. A laugh left the tipsy young dark haired girl with blonde bangs, [b]“Oh James~! You always call me the cccuuutiest names~!”[/b] Rebecca said correcting him in a much kinder manner. [b]“But you can call me Becky or whatever you’d like.”[/b] “Rebecca,” He said as he attempted to step back from her; an action which she took to mean she could enter the house. Stopping her he stuck his arms out, placing a hand on each wall of the small hallway, stopping her from entering any further. “What are you doing here and so late?” A small giggle followed by a hiccup left her before she settled herself down and waved a hand. [b]“Besides the fact that I wanted to see you… we need to discuss our project for Mid-Terms.”[/b] His stomach turned at the thought, Mid-Terms were coming up and this girl was his partner. Requiring them to come up with a personalized recipe and meal based on the region they were assigned. “Oh...” James said, his attention going to the floor as he pressed his eyebrows together. “Look…” With that he dropped his hands from the wall and pulled a small notepad and pen from the end table next to the door. “I’m really busy right now but we do need to plan this according to our schedules. Here’s my phone number; text me tomorrow when you’re sober and I’m not busy and we’ll schedule a time to meet up and discuss the meal.” With that he shoved her out the door with his phone number on a piece of paper and slammed it shut. There didn’t seem to be any retaliation on the other side of the door which made him let out a sigh of relief. Turning back, he returned to the living room and fell back onto the couch looking slightly exhausted; his hand went to his forehead as he rubbed his temples. “I’m sorry…” He spoke softly his cheeks red with embarrassment. “That was my mid-terms partner. I didn’t realize how close it was to mid-terms.” Slowly pulling his hand away from his face he let out a sigh and turned his gaze to her. “Admittedly, this is the first date I’ve ever taken someone on. Did… did I do okay?”