[center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8w3JDbteJWs[/youtube][/center] [center]The wind blew with a surprising amount of force, causing Derick to steady himself against the unwavering gale. Unbeknownst to him, a plastic bag floated by his side, tittering between calm, gentle floating and rapid successive movements. Along with the shift in the air came an aroma that Derick knew all too well: a strange combination of coffee, an incredibly powerful aura of calmness, and the scent of exhaust that covered every inch of the concrete jungle. The scent of a cafe. Derick calmly glided in a random direction, eventually finding his way to the edge of the curb. Tapping the side of the curb, Derick slowly made his way to what felt like a lamp post. Careful inspection with large, calloused fingers revealed the thing he had been searching for - The crossing button. Derick lightly pressed onto the button, as numerous thoughts passed through his head, shifting and turning from a slight anxiousness, to a small glint of hope, before eventually returning to the usual apathetic and nihilistic thought process he usually followed. His leather jacket hung loosely off of him, but then again, it didn't really matter how he looked. After all, he wasn't interested in a relationship any time soon, and he wasn't able to appreciate how he looked anyways. Besides, It's not like it mattered anyways. Music was blind, and it was the only lover he needed. The slight comfort and familiarity of the strap around his torso reminded him of this, before the honking of a horn alerted him to remove the headphones, which he was always told to never wear when he was trying to go somewhere. It appears that Derick had not managed to make it to the other side of the street in time, and he hurried, a soft clacking emanating from his cane wherever he went. Derick had began to wonder why he even decided to come here in the first place. It was probably some trick to scam people who can't hold a relationship into wasting their time and money. After all, the advertisement was on some random YouTube video, and even though it said it was free, these kind of things always said they were. A soft sound escaped from Derick lips as he hoisted himself onto the curb on the opposite side of the street. He was never quite as in-shape as he would have liked, but then again, being unable to see always made things seem more dangerous than they actually were. Derick lightly contemplated the idea of simply returning home. He still had time, even though he has essentially wasted a perfectly good Thursday evening. His phone buzzed slightly, alerting him to the fact that he had made it to this "Love-More Café", and quickly ushering any thoughts of retreat from his mind. Derick gently pushed open the door, using the same soft force he would for cooking. A small bell chimed, and the sound of rustling could be heard nearby. Derick called out with a calm tone. [color=9e9e9e]"Excuse me? Could someone please lead me to a woman named... Ms. Diane?"[/color] The last part of his question had wavered slightly. Of all the times to forget someone's name... A somewhat elderly voice called out, responding to Derick's request. A soft grip enveloped his hand, and he was led to the corner of the small establishment, tapping his finger against the handle of his (now retracted) cane, matching the beat of the song with perfect rhythm. Eventually, he made his way to a seat, which he slowly lowered himself into, knees making a slight popping sound as he did so... He [i]really[/i] needed to get in shape. Derick sat still, practicing the patience that blindness had cultivated in him for many years. Derick made sure that the instrument strapped across his back was safe from harm before relaxing slightly. If this wasn't a scam, others like him would show up soon, along with that mysterious "Love Guru". Unless, of course, they were already here. Derick chuckled slightly at the thought; it would probably be incredibly creepy for someone to just sit down and not say a word, their eyes closed the entire time. Even if this was fake... ...Well, there was always more places to search. Derick leaned back, jeans hanging loosely off of his legs and sunglasses tucked inside his jacket pocket. Worst case scenario, he just had to keep looking. And if that's the case, it probably wouldn't take too much longer. How long can it take to search for your heart anyways?[/center]