[center][img]http://www.interactimage.com/php/files/4dp42uls2ko18ueu1ef5pdg6h51483745716.png[/img] [img]http://cdn-01.independent.ie/incoming/article30928234.ece/ddcbb/AUTOCROP/w620/10710951_819164878135543_2340224357332241943_n.jpg[/img] [hider=Appearance][img]http://akphoto4.ask.fm/562/342/166/-139996977-1t2el4i-96oa9221tfk3hj5/original/avatar.jpg[/img] [img]http://viola.bz/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Kristina-Pimenova1-500x545.jpg[/img] [img]https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ZL1XXC7LJP8/VMX6PcB8olI/AAAAAAABD1k/w1BqQErxliI/s1600/Kristina%2BPimenova%2B10.jpg[/img] [img]http://iv1.lisimg.com/image/7842783/604full-kristina-pimenova.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=#9F79EE]”Monsters that live inside my [color=white]head[/color] at night are all right cause they can never compare to the ones that live [color=white]outside[/color].”[/color] [img]http://elements4life.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Page-Break-7.png[/img] [color=#9F79EE]Body type:[/color] Willowy, slender, and petite [color=#9F79EE]Skin tone:[/color] Fair with a smattering of faint freckles over the bridge of her nose [color=#9F79EE]Height:[/color] 3'8 [color=#9F79EE]Weight:[/color] 30 pounds [color=#9F79EE]Hair style/color:[/color] Brown with golden highlights, it hangs in curls to her waist [color=#9F79EE]Eye color:[/color] Crystal blue. Turns storm-cloud gray when she is angry [img]http://elements4life.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Page-Break-7.png[/img] [color=#9F79EE]Name:[/color] Lilia Colette Galton [color=#9F79EE]Nickname:[/color] Lily [color=#9F79EE]Sex:[/color] Female [color=#9F79EE]Age:[/color] 8 years old [color=#9F79EE]Gender:[/color] Female [color=#9F79EE]Personality:[/color] Lilia is always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. She is always trying to take care of the people around her but in doing so Lilia sometimes forgets to take care of herself as well. Normally, Lilia comes across as a little shy, emanating a calm and reserved aura. But given the right circumstances and Lilia's inner flame can shine through the shell she builds around herself. Lilia listens to her heart and her actions are ruled by her desire to lend a hand rather than what she would get out of the situation by helping. Her caring nature knows no bounds and she holds a place for everyone in her heart. When given the task of helping someone, she comes out of her shell and gives them a shoulder to lean on, an ear to talk to, and a voice to comfort them. Lilia is also open-minded and tries to look for the good things in life rather than focusing on the bad. When she puts her mind to it, Lilia can be a little ball of energy, especially surrounded by those she cares for. She is also not one for giving up until she's given it her all and even then she's very hard-pressed to quit. But life is a double-edged sword. At times her caring nature leads her to trouble with people who do not want to be helped and may show violence in resisting. There is also a possibility of someone exploiting her kind nature to manipulate her. Despite the harsh world surrounding her, Lilia still managed to hold onto some semblance of innocence. [color=#9F79EE]Short Bio:[/color] There's not much to tell. She had parents and an older brother. They all did their best to instill means for survival into Lilia. She never knew her father, he disappeared shortly after she was born, leaving her mother all alone to care for her two children. Lilia knew never what happened to her father, whether he is dead now or still out there somewhere. Then one day her mother never came back from a food run, leaving her older brother to care for her. They managed to find their way to New York where they meet up with a group holed up in a bank. Unfortunately her brother grew very sick and passed away shortly thereafter, leaving Lilia in the care of the group. [color=#9F79EE]Weapons:[/color] [list][*]Hunting knife [*]Pistol with no ammo[/list] [color=#9F79EE]Equipment:[/color] [list][*]Backpack [*]Some energy bars, beef jerky, and bottled water [*]Flashlight [*] Ragged stuffed rabbit[/list] [color=#9F79EE]Other:[/color] She has a fear of thunderstorms.[/center]