[center][h3][b][color=ed1c24]Shoko Iseki[/color][/b][/h3][/center] [color=a36209]"I-I have t-trouble here, requesting backup i-i-immediately... I-if that's not t-too much to a-ask..."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"I'm coming, Dai--"[/color] A loud explosion started Shoko, causing her to throw her gaze over her shoulder, in the direction of the noise. Who was involved over there? She wasn't sure, but she had to guess Ken. Approaching the building she believed Daichi to be in, she spoke over the comm. [color=ed1c24]"Ken! Ako! What's happening?"[/color] she asked hurriedly. Inside the building now, and before any answer came, she heard another crash -- this time smaller and directly above her on another floor. [i]Daichi.[/i] Brow furrowing, Shoko ran up the stairs, following the sounds of the struggle. As she steeled herself and entered the room, spotting Daichi and Sazama, Ken spoke over the communicator. [color=92278f]"I have won the battle but lost the war."[/color] The girl paused, clicking her tongue as her eyes widened. There was a lot to take in in that moment. 'Lost the war?' What did that mean? Was he hurt? And more importantly, why was Sazama all but naked and clinging to Daichi? Shoko quickly got over her shock, realizing it had to do with her quirk -- and she really didn't seem keen on letting go. [color=ed1c24]"We haven't lost anything yet,"[/color] she said as strongly as she could into her communicator. [color=ed1c24]"Get over here."[/color] [color=ed1c24][i]Think as many steps ahead as you can,[/i][/color] she told herself, analyzing the information she had as quickly as possible. [color=ed1c24]"Daichi!"[/color] she yelled, making sure to get his attention. [color=ed1c24]"To the roof!"[/color] She would have startled herself with how forceful she sounded, if it weren't for the adrenaline pumping through her -- this was easily the most vocal she had been in many years. She immediately left the room, mind still racing. They had been forced to engage with heroes before they had had a chance to meet up -- but that didn't mean they should stop trying to regroup. She had two choices right now -- bring her and her hostage to the roof ahead of Daichi, or get back to the ground, just outside the building. The riskier play was undoubtedly the roof, but she decided that risks would have to be taken to come out on top here. She just hopped Isshin-sensei wouldn't hate her [i]too[/i] much after today. [color=ed1c24]"Daichi,"[/color] she said into her comm. [color=ed1c24]"Make sure you have your hostage. If you can't get Sazama off, jump off the roof [i]back first[/i]. If the threat of that doesn't get her to let go, the impact will."[/color] She paused for a moment before adding [color=ed1c24]"Don't worry about any injuries to either of you."[/color] She was breathing hard as she made it through the door to the roof, having been in a full out sprint for the last few minutes. [color=ed1c24]"Ako,"[/color] she managed. [color=ed1c24]"Is everything alright on your end?"[/color] He had been completely silent thus far, and though she knew that was likely just him being himself, she wanted to make sure he hadn't been engaged yet. Without pause, she dragged the hostage to one corner of the roof, leaning over the edge to see both how high they were and what the side of the building looked like. She smiled through her labored breaths at her findings. As long as Daichi came up, she had an easy way off the roof, with at least one of their two hostages in tow. The other... well, the other was the reason why Shoko was worried about what Isshin-sensei would think of her. Heart pounding in her ears and eyes locked on the door to the roof, the girl waited a few tense long seconds.