Marina's arrival was always preceded- or, as she would put it, [i]heralded[/i] by the thick, mind-wrenching smell she gave off, made worse by the day's heat and humidity. It was a thoroughly awful blend of hot garbage, raw sewage, sour milk, and a strange metallic note that made your hair stand on end. Her odor was, simply put, a torturous and intolerable experience for all save herself, as Marina had no sense of smell at all. Birds dropped from the sky, plants withered, and a number of the frailer students were in danger of passing out. Not that she minded, of course- Marina was under the impression that this was the world's way of showing fealty to her, and she appreciated the gesture. It was no surprise for those who knew of her, then, when Marina emerged from the bushes at the edge of the campus, a shimmering, visible haze of overwhelming foulness preventing anyone getting a good look at her from afar. Dressed in her best rags and grasping a battered silver disk in one hand, the sewer princess was fully prepared to greet her soon-to-be subjects. Her predatory gaze settled on the spiky-haired child near the fountain... and then passed over him, because he was obviously a gigantic tool who wasn't worth her time. The other boy seemed fairly interesting, though. Striding across the field and leaving a wake of ominously brown grass, she hip checked Yuta out of the way like the nerd he was and pointed at Fuubi with her free hand. [color=f49ac2]"You there, Japonski peasant! Be grateful; you stand before the almighty Princess Marina Viktorya Kohut, sovereign of all she surveys! Ah, but I am sure your pitiful peasant brain is already melting from gazing upon such radiance as mine, so I will be making this quick."[/color] Marina slammed the disk into her pelvis, cables winding over and under her hips, clasping together in the back just above her tailbone. The entire assembly resembled an oversized metallic codpiece more than anything. A deck holder ejected from the side of the disk as a holographic field flickered to life just above the girl's navel. She folded her arms in a pose that positively oozed self-satisfaction. [color=f49ac2]"Duel me."[/color]