[@Buprenex] I am in agreeance with Kitsune about your character and it will not be accepted into the roleplay. To give some feedback the biggest thing we are looking for are quality, depth and believable characters that fit into our world. Your character has two mutations that do not, in any way, relate to each other. We can also see that you have not read the OOC fully seeing as you missed the key paragraph which describes how the sun has ceased to rise for a new day, plunging the world into eternal darkness. This can be seen in this line: [quote]...it is much easier to manipulate the light around him. He can generate enough light to blind a person during the day, this effect can be permanent or temporary.[/quote] We can also see that you added a third ability through the creation of holograms, which is in no way connected to light control. Fox has also mentioned the "neon fairies" remark above. We are looking for characters that are slowly becoming monstrous versions of their former self. They are infected, plagued and mutating into different creatures and beings. Your Bio is lacklustre and not up to the standards of an Advanced Roleplay, and your remark in the equipment section of... [quote]Home made medkit, self proclaimed best in the world. ever. [/quote] ... begs the question of if you checked grammar, if you understand what a Mary Sue type character is, and what relevance this has to the item in question... not to mention what are the actual contents or is this a Mary Poppins bag of medical supplies. To sum up, and as I said before, we won't be accepting your character and this may not be the roleplay for you if this is your attempt of entering an advanced level game. We are fair, but we are after a quality that we are happy with. [hr] [@13org] Will your choice in applying to this RP be changed if I was to tell you that I am fairly good friends with [@Gowi] and respect him as a roleplayer and GM? I do have a similar set of standards for the players that wish to enter this RP.