[quote=@RumikoOhara] An interesting question but filled with a need of definitions She is based on an a Siren Robotics Pleasure model frame and still retains those functions so can she be a date the answer would be yes and she can even cater to the biological needs physically or mentally, assume either a passive or aggressive role, be the good girl or the wanton succubus. Echo has used her in the past as Honey Pot bait for various missions and because she is more virtual than realtime Delta is unaffected by the experience on the same level as a real woman. Has she dated then the answer is yes but only when her Mistress allowed her to explore that portion of personal interaction; strangely even though Echo would destroy Delta’s physical body without hesitation she is careful of risking her blooming personality to harm. If you asked Echo she’d have to be honest that she worried that heartbreak or even actual love might cause a personality cascade failure of her spurious logic sector and Echo likes Delta/Bunny [/quote] Interesting indeed. That satisfies my curiosity. Sonny would more than likely try to take her on dates.