[hr] [center][color=0072bc][h2]Sierra Shilton[/h2][/color] Melemele Ferry Terminal [@WriterRaven] [@Arty Fox][/center] [hr] "Screw. That. Boat." There was no Alolan greeting coming out of the make-shift sailor whose ship came in on rather choppy waters. Whether it was the cramped accommodations that she spent the majority of her cash supply on, or the fact that her travelling partner ate most of the food that was squirreled away for said voyage, the blonde girl was not in a relaxed mood setting foot on the island wharf for the first time. "Damn thieves." Although saying that out loud, she instantly regretted it. Considering the circumstances, she couldn't have expected anything less. It was a hasty decision to board whichever ship was heading out of Olivine, and her roulette spin came up the other color. But at least it wasn't a 00. [i]At least they got me here.[/i] She looked up at the bright Alolan sun and wiped her forehead. "Dang, it's hot." The Johtoan fished in the pocket of her satchel, among the rest of her Pokedollars and the change of clothes she remembered to bring, producing the lonely Pokeball that had been in there. "You all right, Romano?" she asked no one as she clicked the button. "I mean, you started sleeping after you ate the last of my pretzels." On the concrete ground, a small Pig Pokemon materialized. [color=Brown]"Swi!"[/color] The Ice/Ground type looked around for a second before sniffing at the wharf. [color=Brown]"Nubnubnub..."[/color] "Don't know what you're expecting to find, Romano. No food around here." A gurgle in her tummy indicated the same was true of her stomach. "Ugh. Let's get through here so I can get us some." She walked through the ferry terminal as she tried to remember the things she read on Alola back when she was deciding where she wanted to go. [i]There's some festival or something they have...about...stuff...damn...can't remember.[/i] The decision to pawn her phone for more spending money was starting to look foolish. Customs was actually pretty easy to go through. The agent waved her bag through and gave the Swinub the once over. "He's a little cutie," Agent "Rick" said as he checked the Pokemon's fur. "You should take him over to Ula'ula. Bet he'd love Mount Lanakila. Stick to the main route though. The Pokemon up there are tough." The teenager handed over her passport. "I'll keep that in mind." "All right Miss...Shilton." She shivered. [i]Don't call me that. Not anymore.[/i] "Everything's all set. Enjoy your time on Melemele!" "Thank you." Sierra scooped up Romano into her arms and carried her lone Pokemon through the gate towards the exit. As the pair looked around the waterfront of Hau'oli City, it became clear...they had no idea where to go. "Shoot. Has to be someone around here we can get to give us some directions." Romano was content to ride along. He snorted a little as a bead of sweat ran down the Ice-type's face. [color=Brown]"Swinubswi..."[/color] As she looked around, she spotted someone nearby who had their phone out. [i]Perfect. Either he's a local who loves tourists or a tourist who will help out a fellow traveler.[/i] Sierra approached the man standing next to an orange fluffball she didn't recognize. "Excuse me. I couldn't use your phone to find the nearest Asagi Cafe spot, could I?"