"Fili," Thorin sighed, his breath visible from the cold. Fili speaking out did not come as a surprise; both brothers were incredibly loyal to one another. “One day you will be king...and you will understand. I cannot risk the fate of this quest for the sake of one dwarf, not even my own kin.” Seeing that Fili's loyalties were divided, Thorin put a hand to his arm in an attempt to stop him. "Don’t be a fool. You belong with the company.” Further away, Kili shook his head, insisting to Oin that he was fine. Why would no one listen to him? They had no place else to go, he belonged in Erebor, and above all else he needed to help reclaim their homeland. "Oin...please, speak sense into him." Kili became increasingly lightheaded, the voices around him were making less and less sense. "I won't let this stop me--" "Lad, enough! You haven't a choice!" Oin started to guide him away from the dock, and Kili's eyes stung with betrayal. Had things been different, he could have helped, but now he hadn't a choice.