[hider=Corinth] Appearance : [url]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/0b/1b/a8/0b1ba8d9d113d50495c7e785f81b3b8e.jpg[/url] Scar on his face was earned in a fight with a wolf. Also on my phone. Laptop decided to kill itself last week... Name: Corinth Bjornson Age (any): Around 250-300(He doesn't know his exact age, more below) Rank amongst royal family: Royal Ranger Sexuality : Gay, known only to those close to him, as he isn't public about it due to how e was raised. Personality: Honorable to a fault, Corinth is a hardy warrior. Being rather shy, Corinth would be found wandering the wooded areas near the castle, hunting, or in the Training Yard working on his already exceptional marksmanship. Bio: Born to a farmer in a coastal town with heritage to the great Vikings. Corinth learned the skill of Archery and the use of Daggers. He was turned during the and his family killed during the attack. He wandered for a while, often performing as a bard before ending up at the castle to look for possible work. As he was often not in town unless he needed to feed, which he would try not to do unless he needed to, his sense of time led him to forget how old he was and he notes that his own age matters not to him. Only his fighting spirit. Likes: Blades, good mead, strong warriors, morning naps, large bodies of water, being outside. Dislikes: Wine, dishonesty, wolves(Almost killed by one), excessive drinking and drunkenness. Extra: Corinth has five blades on him at all times. He also has a weakness for beards. [/hider] [hider=Magnus] Appearance : [url]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d7/60/26/d7602642761068916a142827e4fea165.jpg[/url] Name: Magnus Steelpaw Age (any): 750(roughly) Rank amongst royal family: Captain of the Guard/General Sexuality : Gay, most assume he's straight as he never shows interest in finding love, as he claims to be too busy for such things. His cousin, Gunnar knows though. Personality: Magnus has a rather brash personality, speaking his mind no matter who he talks to. He is very loyal and honest. He cares deeply for those he calls friend. In battle, Magnus is a berserker, entering a bloodrage when the ones close to him are in danger. He is also a very good tactician and knows many languages. Magnus is actually very lonely, his usual company being his warhounds. He does his best to not look for love, having lost the man he loved most before he was turned. As a lover, Magnus is domineering, generally demanding his lover to be near him whenever possible to keep them safe in and out of the battlefield. Bio: Magus grew up during the Viking era. He was known for his immense strength and size, towering over 7’ tall and able to carry a massive warhammer. He earned the title Steelpaw after his favorite method of fighting, brawls. Magnus became a vampire after his raiders burned a vampire den and their leader sought revenge, leaving Magnus with what he called his “curse” of being separated from his lover in death. For Magnus, it was the start of his journey into becoming a living legend among warriors… Until he met Dushan on the battlefield. After his defeat Magnus swore fealty to him and followed him into battle with eager anticipation. Likes: Strong ale, a good brawl, his giant warhammer Earthshaker, terrifying his enemies, the Norse Gods(Often swears by Odin), O- blood, dogs. Dislikes: Politics, beer, those who abuse their power, soldiers who don't follow orders. Extra: Magnus is one the best cooks around, having memorized hundreds of recipes. He has two pet Mastiffs mutts named Fang and Storm. Fang is nibbler and Storm likes running out into the rain. [/hider] [hider=Gunnar] Appearance: [url]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e5/b1/95/e5b195f6ab08bc2511ede0810b4b28be.jpg[/url] Ht: 6’7 There is a scar on his stomach and back where a sword pierced him. And a scar on his chest next to his heart. Name: Gunnar High-Water Age (any): 760+ roughly Rank amongst royal family: General Sexuality: Straight Personality: Gunnar is a proud man, having come from a family of Vikings with his cousin Magnus he holds pride in his heritage and strength as a warrior. Gunnar is a brilliant tactician and holds his loved ones close to his heart. Bio: Gunnar is the youngest son of a jarl in the years around the Battle of Hastings. His exact year is unknown to him as it was never recorded as he wasn't in line for the title of Jarl. Gunnar often wandered and when he saw his cousin's raiding band under attack he charged in to help, alone. He failed to get there in time and witnessed his cousin gain Vampirism. He helped him by faking Magnus’ death and helping feed him. When a raid went terribly wrong Magnus turned him to save his life. Magnus then brought him along and they eventually met with Dushan and joined him. Likes: Training, Women, tea, sailing, fighting of all kinds, chess. Dislikes: Unethical means of killing and torture but won't say anything about it to most, disloyalty, people with no honor. Extra: Gunnar has collected and trained with nearly every weapon from the Viking age and on. [/hider] [hider=Duvalt] Appearance : [url]http://pin.it/FofL1Ad[/url] Name: Duvalt Krishkov Age: 2000+ Personality: Duvalt is a solemn man, valuing strength in all of those around him. His motto is "Honor, Courage, and Heart." The same as the words under the banner above his throne. Bio: Duvalt is an old vampire. War, death and misery are all things he's seen in his long life. He values his family, which is probably his only weakness. He loves all of his children, and his wife as much as they. What he hides from them... Is a monster. Through the years before he met his wife, he earned a reputation as the fiercest vampire to be known, only following after the old Count himself... His strength is that of a bear with the ferocity of a tornado. He keeps it well contained. However, if one triesto harm his family he will bear down upon them his unholy wrath. Duvalt met his current Generals during the Great Northern War. He picked the pair as they offered their allegiance as Magnus tired of fighting in human wars. The pair are part of his main advisors. Likes: Alcohol, sparring, his wife, swords (you'll find them in nearly every type in the hallways and in his study), modern day weaponry (Damn... humans find even more ways to be monsters than vampires...), and Hollywood. Dislikes: Disloyalty, A+ blood, unnecessary savergy. Extra: Duvalt is a collector. He has a massive collection of alchohol that he likes, adding and changing it throughout the centuries. [/hider]