[ DIAPHANE WHISPER HEADER ] Hunched over sparse woodlands, the ruddy granite outcrop cast no shadow in the unnatural cold. Infernal blazes of sheet lighting seared the artificial night only to die and give way to darkness again. Skies glowed blue on the far horizon, but the sun- [i]The sun was silenced by a blasphemous shade.[/i] High above the cacophony of shatter-stone and thunder, and sounds of eldritch rending, the titan loomed, hateful, a harbinger. It was a vast grub, hungry for the blood of the earth, untouchable, unshakeable, and its presence was a monstrous reminder of the dwarving of mortals beneath the heel of God. This beast had come to end and to kill, and no force on Galbar could raise a hand against it. [center][hider=The Mother Suprema.][img]http://img09.deviantart.net/12fd/i/2015/169/a/2/worm_by_anclrevv-d8udn8d.jpg[/img] [/hider][/center] Through the eyes of the apocalyptic colossus, Diaphane Whisper watched blood being shed with a steel-hard determination that resolved itself out of battle rage and wired her with burning tension. Sweethearts swirled around her body like panicked shoals. Radiation streamed from her, the big sister's voice relaying and receiving constantly from the little Diaphanes at her left and right. Whisper's words streamed from the mouths of the beast, saturating her sisters below with curt commands in their own tongue. Then, suddenly, a message directed to the copilots alone. [colour=AliceBlue][i]"I'm going down there."[/i][/colour] [colour=mintcream]"Did they send for help?"[/colour] asked one of the younger sisters, knowing that this wasn't the case. [colour=MistyRose][i]"No,"[/i][/colour] answered Whisper. [colour=Ivory][i]"But they need it."[/i][/colour] The elder flowed out of the beast's brain, her fluid body content with moving in any direction without turning. [colour=LavenderBlush][i]"You and Sprint stay here. Keep singing."[/i][/colour] [colour=Honeydew]"Take care, Diaphane,"[/colour] flickered Sprint as the doors closed on the elder, her voice hiding a thrill of excitement and muted bloodlust. Whisper was taking to the battlefield. In moments, the big sister was swooping down towards the outcrop, a falcon honed on prey that trailed a narrow streak of brilliant smoke. Murderous energy roared below. Cathode's lightning struck from nowhere and everywhere, and his sons bullied entropites out of the air even as their numbers dwindled in the gale. The wind spirit had buried the butte in a black billow of savage rain, deepening the darkness cast by the demon above. Deep booms sounded from the stone itself, the voice of the Lord Feldspar as her stone joints cracked. And still casting their too-vivid glows even as the land and sky fought to kill, the change-eaters retaliated. Like strange fish drawn by a child's unsure hand and painstakingly rendered back into reality with exquisite detail, their uncanny shapes and excessive colours untouched, Whisper's sisters dogfought in loose clusters. Their teeth chewed up the air and gouged rock as it rose in jagged spikes to crash against them. At the heart of the violence, Diaphane Wander shone, and scythed against the Stonelord. Whisper's first-sister had taken on her favoured battle stance, a scalene thing with no axes of symmetry, caged in tubular armour that sprouted vicious spines and a single, tasselled blade. A whip-tail snapped and coiled around Wander, drawing long, thin cuts into Feldspar as she orbited the djinn, shying from some blows and meeting others with her knives that burned rock. She was hurt. Whisper fell into her own stance as she approached. [colour=ghostwhite][i]"Diaphane!"[/i][/colour] [colour=Honeydew][i][/i][/colour] [colour=MistyRose][i][/i][/colour] [colour=GhostWhite][i][/i][/colour] [colour=LavenderBlush][i][/i][/colour] [colour=MintCream][i][/i][/colour] [colour=AliceBlue][i][/i][/colour] [colour=Ivory][i][/i][/colour]