[@Aqua Fire] Melanie smiled with glee when the girl explained her relationship with her dragon. It was a treat in its own to be exposed to someone who likes dragons like her self but to hear that the girl grew up with the dragon was amazing. [color=f6989d]"Well im sure he's happy."[/color] Melanie smiled as she patted Drakon on the head. He replied with a grunt wich made Melanie giggle a bit. The girl was about to introduce herself but was cut of when she looked at Melanie's cut. She then told Melanie to follow so Drakon began to fly after them. They were going twards a little cottage and stables. On top of the cottage was what looked like to be a fort of some kind. Maybe the girl liked her alone time qne decided to build it. Melanie shrugged and held on as they neared the ground. They landed softly and Melanie jumped of. She hugged Drakons head and smiled into his scales. [color=f6989d] "You stay here while i get pached up."[/color] Drakon licked her hand and purred, well it was more of a soft growl. Melanie then looked at the girl and waited for her to get of her mount.