[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#00ccff]Nora Kingston[/color][/h1][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/dd700e6c7e9fb57894968af8d0798b43/tumblr_inline_mm9857jdgQ1qz4rgp.gif[/img][hr]Location: Egyptian Museum[/center][hr][hr]Nora felt like she was tugging away at a string. The more she pulled, the more gigantic the knot became that she was attempting to untangle. The thread went through twists and turns, the intricacies compounding, even despite the slight clue behind it all--[i]phi[/i]. Mathematics, and by extension cryptography, was logical at its core. But even armed with her wit and cleverness, Nora found herself no closer to the truth. She'd need Lady Munn's assistance, that much was certain. The Egyptian web puzzled her, and had it been in English, she couldn't help but imagine it would have been less of a challenge. Even the rubbing itself had missing pieces to it, causing the puzzle to become only the more impossible to unravel. It was one thing to have a complete mystery--but a mystery with pieces missing? It only served to increase the difficulty. Having gone as far as Nora felt she could adequately without the aid of the Lady Munn, she set her pen down on her paper, and closed her eyes for a moment, allowing herself to breathe. In the next moment, she glanced down at her newfound branding, examining the strange symbol, the very one that appeared in her dream. She could not fathom an explanation that relied on the principles of logic. Perhaps it would not serve her well to be dismissive of fantasy for much longer.