[@TemplarKnight07] [center][h2]Captain Lattore - [i]The Wandering Chronos[/i][/h2][/center] "So, your arrival into present time was indeed centuries ago. Seeing as how generations have passed on your ship since then, the old Imperium must still seem like the ancient past to you as much as it does to me. That is unfortunate." Truly, Leal had longed for some faint vision of history through these men, and was disappointed to find none. The rogue addict behind him wasn't much for words, which was certainly for the best in Leal's opinion, and he said nothing to her. Leal decided it was time to broach another subject as they waited for Alexius. "Perhaps, if you are not at liberty to discuss the studies of your ordo, you would be able to inform me of the state of security aboard [i]The Wandering Chronos[/i]?" His sharp blue eyes fixed uncomfortably on Varius as he sipped his water. "Could the situation benefit from the presence of a few Astartes on board? The protection of Inquisitor Commenus and your ordo is a top priority."