[@Solaris][@Dynamo Frokane][@McHaggis][@Blu][@Pathfinder][@Fabricant451][@Oskar DiLondra][@SimpleD][@HalfOfLancelot][@MonkeyBusiness][@Lucian] Okay! So this is how it's going to go and I'll update the rules when I have the chance to reflect this. I am going to change the required posting to every five days, but if you manage to miss this time period, your turn will be skipped - even if you're in an important part of the scene. This is to let the role-play move forward in case someone disappears (which I hope desperately no one does). If you miss two posting periods, I'll consider the character inactive and we'll move on without you. Ten days should be enough [u]however[/u] if life gets in the way and you let me know within this ten day period, I'll work with you to come up with a way for character to exit the scene and enter at a later time. Beyond these rules, for the time being - at least for the prologue - everyone can only post [u]once[/u] for every post I make. It can be in whatever order, just so long as you don't post twice before I post. Other than that, if anyone has questions, comments, or concerns, now is the time to voice them. Nearly everyone is done with their sheets and if it's done in time, I'll probably post the first IC Tuesday or Wednesday (but if people aren't done, I will of course wait still). If you do want me to read your question, comment, or concern - [b][u]TAG ME[/u][/b]. =3 *Gives yummy cookies to all*