The familiar hiss of the rear hatch opening sounded all around the two Jedi. The pressurized air of the cargo chamber rushed from the opening hatch, rustling the brown robes of the young woman and her Master. Natural light poured into the dim chamber as the two stepped from the small ship. The day was mild and sweet with the scents of the surrounding jungle. Everything seemed so,peaceful. Kyra walked across the small landing pad with her Master, Knight H'daru, to her left and slightly ahead of her. He was a good deal taller than she was and often out-strode her. She had learned quickly that walking slow was almost always out of the question though. She had longer legs than most her size, but, that mattered little compared to her towering master. He seemed to float forward with the calculated grace that can only exist in one utterly connected to the Force. Kyra, quickly pattered after him. A small number of rather surprised care takers approached. One of them, an old man, held a data-pad and kept darting his eyes down to it and then back to the two Jedi. "Excuse me, Knight H'daru?" it was less a question of who he was, but, more of why are you here. "We have tracked a dark presence. It comes shortly." Kyra's master always spoke like that. Quick, short, phrases. He did not waste time droning on or engaging in small talk. The padawan could not be more different. While she did not waste time she often wanted to just talk. Not everything had to be an order or about the mission. Sometimes, knowing what a culture chose to fill silence with would give you a better understanding of them. "this is a place of learning and training, Knight H'daru. Why would something happen here?" the old man seemed confused. "The cannock does not maul the rancor, but, it may prey on it's pups." finally the old man just silenced his questions and began to fall in behind the two Jedi. "I hope the Jedi here are more willing to listen." Kyra said quietly to her master. H'daru inclined his head in agreement as they stepped through the automated door from the landing pad to the halls of the academy. Kyra quickly scanned the halls. It was a marvelous place. She had not been trained here, but, she would have enjoyed it very much. The old Academy on Dantoine where she had studied was still being repaired when she was there. Not only that but the whole place was like a catacomb. Set into the wide fields resulted in a great deal of time underground. Here the air was moist and full of life. Kyra's eyes suddenly widened. She stopped walking. H'daru's steps stopped just as suddenly. The two shared a quick look of worry before Kyra spoke. "Master, are we too late?" H'daru broke into a quick dash toward the main chambers with Kyra at his heel. They needed to find the other knights here and warn them quickly. A shadow had been cast and they sat in it's umbra. Distantly, the sound of decent thrusters silenced insects and drove away birds on the lush jungle planet. If only they had arrived ninety minutes earlier.