There are many reasons. Maybe your tastes will change, and you will suddenly be okay with all the things that bother you about it. Maybe you will become very drunk and blindly stumble into watching it. Maybe you will be kidnaped and forced to watch it. Maybe you will come to belive that there is illuminati propaganda within it and that you need to watch it so you can point out to other people where the reptilians are appearing now. Maybe you will be struck by lightning, forget all about this entire series and someone will show you anime for the first time and it will be this episode. Maybe you will be sudenly and spontaneous filled with a lust to watch it. Maybe the rest of the series will be so good that you decide the first episode is worth it. Maybe new research will come out revealing that the real legends of each hero were suppressed this entire time, and in reality Boudica really did wear a bikini. That's all the reasons I can think of for now.