[@Prostagma] Like I said. I'd prefer speaking for myself. [@Ammokkx] I know you brought some of your players over. That doesn't mean you run the game, like it appears you have been from the start. If Charak wanted to ask all those questions, he could have asked me himself. If he wanted to rebut me, he could've commented/PM'd on his own accord. I don't know why you have to butt into everything like you own the place. This isn't a personal attack against you, mind you. I appreciate you fixing the wording issue with Blight Bug's card, because I'd gotten it wrong. Regardless, this isn't your game and just because you act like it is doesn't make it so. Also, in your IC post, I think it was mentioned not in Prostagma's last post but in the post before that [quote]there was no possible way he could remain close enough to actually get a good look at the pair.[/quote] Which I think was supposed to be literally. And if you're sprinting at full speed over a span of several miles with weight on your back, surely this must be physically possible as well. Or does physical law only bend around your character? As normal though. I don't want anything bitter taking up the OOC. If you want to argue back, please PM me. [@Archmage MC] Thanks for the input.