"I don't know man, seems suspicious. Lend me your pistol, I'll go in close. Sight up on those 2 on the right, on my signal, light 'em up" Joker crept forward, Viking's pistol in one hand, his knife in the other. He settled into position, then whispered a countdown. "3, 2, 1, go" He fired two rounds, and the targets went down. He closed the distance, made sure the tangos were finished, then began to sweep the checkpoint. Viking caught up and he handed back the pistol. "Thanks man. Nothin' here but dirt and sandbags... looks like the ground there was recently disturbed, could be something buried" He grabbed one of the insurgent's rifles and used the butt of it to shift the dirt around. A few inches down, he hit paydirt with the clunk of wood on wood. At that moment his comms buzzed. "Joker, Viking, sitrep? I need you back in position once you're done, double time. Move to our planned OP, get set to push an assault. We're laying out anyone we see in front of us, no need to keep this one quiet when we go, so silencers off, prep your 40 mils. I want you to stick to the fire sector parameters from our positions based on what's ahead of us, so we know who is dropping who." "Copy that Wizard. Checkpoint cleared, 4 tangos down. There's something buried here, want us to check it out, or double back? Over" ----- JB listened to all the recon coming in at him, and formulated a plan. "We can only assume the Chechen's are our Valkyrie operators, so we're moving forward with the attack. Remember we want one of them taken alive, the rest are expendable. Dash will take Alpha into a covered firing position just inside the southern gates. There's a fuel depot on the east end of that main building. I figure I can get line of sight on it, puncture the propane then roll in a grenade to cause a distraction. Alpha will engage any that come towards our side as they come into sight. That'll be the sign to go weapons free. Bravo, you should get a little leeway when the fuel tanks go up, open fire and push inside the compound, but keep to cover, no unnecessary risks. Sigma, I want you to eliminate any overwatch they've got, then cover Bravo's approach. Everyone clear?"