[quote=@Jeyma] There was once an NRP where someone literally [b]claimed all of my nation[/b] *after we had already started the RP*, and refused to relent or let up. He decided, without my permission or GM permission, that my nation was a vassal of his. Note: this was not after an IC war or anything IC. He submitted an N.S. and, in that NS, it stated clearly that my nation was his. The NS was not accepted but he didn't care, if he wrote it then he believed it belonged to him. The GM couldn't talk him out of it. I couldn't talk him out of it. We had no ban function, and it seemed extreme to summon admins, so he just kept fucking coming. It caused a huge conflict because he was certain that he was entitled to claiming my nation because his was "more evil" according to his NS that wasn't accepted. The RP didn't survive much longer. Be grateful, [@Golem], that [@Monkeypants] is so willing to move. :lol [/quote] You guys should've called the mods in, since you know, GM autonomy.