Dario's violet coloured eyes stared deep into the student infront of him for a long moment, ignoring the woman in the adjacent room and the one who had just rounded the corner. Dario looked down at the badge, Ozpin had given him his own badge a few days ago. It was buried underneath a pile of notes on his desk but Dario didn't need to check to know that this one was indentical to his. Dario's violet eyes glowed brightly for a moment, like a bulb was shining from behind them, as he used his Semblance to open his wardrobe and pull a t shirt out. He stepped back inside and slipped the shirt on, careful to make sure the boy infront couldn't see his telekinetic abilty. "You're right. There's a lot we need to talk about," he said as he made his way back outside, closing the door behind him "I'm Dario, and I aassume you're our new team leader."