FINALLY DONE. My fingers hurt, my keyboard is slippery from finger oils and my eyes hurt... Hope she's up to [i]snuff[/i]! ...that was a drug joke. 'Cause Eris is into that stuff and snuff is... yeah... I'll go get some sleep. [hider=Eris] [center][img][/img][hr][hr] [b][h1][color=white]E L I S E[/color] /// [color=white]E R I S[/color][/h1][/b] [img][/img] [color=white][b]“Can't rely on anyone if you can't rely on yourself. Easier said than done.”[/b][/color][/center] [color=black][h3] O V E R V I E W[/h3] [/color] [color=white][sub]N A M E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Elise Avcı[/color][/indent] [color=white][sub]A V A T A R[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Eris[/color][/indent] [color=white][sub]A G E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]16[/color][/indent] [color=white][sub]G E N D E R[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Female[/color][/indent] [color=white][sub]V I S A G E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]A youthful figure all around, Eris makes a point of her appearance in Pariah not be much unlike her real appearance. Aside from a subconscious desire to gain an inch or two of height that is reflected ingame, her appearance ingame keeps the plain, not terrifically remarkable look she has in the real world; pale skin coming from her shut-in nature and Dutch heritage and dark brown hair and eyes stemming from her Turkish side. Not imposing by a long shot at 5'5", without being too short, her general form is of the average teenage girl, with budding signs of womanhood in the general form of her body, with a chest that remains however modest and even boyish by some descriptions. A strange mix of unkempt and tidy, her hair is usually soft and clean and her skin consistently clear, though occasionally with a bit flush on the cheeks, and her hair is a strange affair that is consistently of an irregular length, as if she once had a particular style in mind but long since grew out of it and somehow got stuck with it. Both ingame and in real life, she has a predilection for simple, comfortable clothes, having an unconscious preference for clothes that resemble her natural colors, particularly shades of brown and dark red, while making an effort to remain inconspicuous. However, given the opportunity, she does enjoy a moment of enjoying a more girlish outfit, however rare it may be. [/color][/indent] [color=white][sub]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]How your character acts, thinks, and feels. Also what their aspirations, doubts, and so forth are. Eris is more of an enigma to herself than she is to other people, due in large part to an extremely odd way of looking at her place in the world, forged by numerous experiences with psychedelics. Many "revelations" shaped her perceptions of many things and though she keeps it to herself, a solipsism-based outlook of being the "protagonist" of the world, both virtual and real, can strain her relations with others as she attempts to follow this outlook, despite having her own doubts about it from time to time. While most certainly not a misanthrope by any stretch of imagination, she often finds herself being wary of others, putting people into two broad categories; that of "players", who are deeper, more fleshed-out and ultimately more rewarding to get to know and the lower category of "NPC's", those who exist simply as two-dimensional entities that Eris could interact with for various benefits, but aren't worth getting close to. Though this doesn't make her an inherently mean person and she indeed forces cheer with many people, going deeper with her reveals a coldness towards those her intuition deems lowly. Her above-average intelligence, the source of her offline self-sufficiency, contributes to this idea of being a sort of protagonist, however, this idea also gives her the feeling of having certain responsabilities. Though effectively a mercenary, taking contracts from her pathos and accomplishing them on her own, her ingame choice of Tyhrien as an affiliation, most often associated with selfless knights and the like, stems from a self-attributed duty to help others, whether they be a player or an NPC and her greatest wish, though she wouldn't ever admit it, being contradictory to her world view, is to impact the lives of as many people as possible and be a positive force in the world. Though her choice of trying to be a "hero" eventually changed into that of the calling of a sellsword, she takes a small pride in being a member of the noblest pathos. Another point of contention within Eris' mind is that of her age. Ostensibly young, she detests being looked down upon for her youth and makes a point of leading a life that she deems as "mature" as possible, in an attempt to give the impression more of being a woman than of a teenage girl. When she talks to others, she makes a point of speaking without resorting to youthful language and while her ways of speech are by no means literarily rich, it succeeds in giving at least some evidence of an effort to seem experienced. Wry smiles are her speciality, in a feint to seem experienced with the world and its problems, though in reality her most wild experiences with the world extend to the use and abuse of psychoactive substances since she was 15, those too an attempt to seem more mature, by rebelling against the authority of her family and later striking out a path for herself on the edge of legality. This creates entirely new problems in itself, even within the world of Pariah, she is often subject to the after effects of her psychonautical adventures, with mood swings being the most common, most minor affliction and visual problems such as fog, distortion, movement of immobile things, stretching and even the rare hallucination being the most serious. Subconsciously afraid of other people's views of her, again contradicting her conscious worldview, she fears being ostracised for her way of life, and as such, despite spending most of her time in a massively multiplayer game world, her attempts to keep distance from others could also be an attempt to shield herself from their judgement. Perhaps, inside the deepest point of her [i]id[/i], a buried desire, though but an ember compared to the flames of others, might wish her to find comfort with some others, more than NPC's, more than even characters, but true equals to her that could help her overcome her fears and find her place in the world. [/color][/indent] [color=white][sub]B A C K G R O U N D[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray] Living alone in her own large apartment, neglecting classes and spending her days playing games and cultivating various plants and fungi, Elise Avcı has built herself a life that allows her comforts through the profit of selling her produce, but is also one she can't escape and has effectively imprisoned her. Loathe to proclaim herself a "dealer", though that is her [i]de facto[/i] occupation, this life is the fruit of an experience that she lived a year ago, when she was just recently fifteen years old. At the time, the young Elise was one of a handful of children of a Dutch and Turkish couple. Getting along astonishingly well despite their differences in cultures, Elise's parents, while not wealthy by any definition, made a point of giving her a decent life; she never wanted for much, her general pastimes of playing games, toying with technology, watching anime and other similar activities were all easily accessible to her and her studies in a well-ranked school were always paid for. Warm food was always on the table and on the surface, the family got along well. Come the age of fifteen, however, Elise found herself wanting to escape it all. Her games were no longer a good enough escape for the demons that haunted her, no matter how immersive. Her family gave her a feeling of claustrophobia, nervous breakdowns became regular and though she did her best to hide it, her family took notice fast. No one could get her to budge on what the source of her terror was and typical medicine didn't do much for her condition. Elise knew herself where it came from, but no one knew, not even those who studied every inch of her records and information sheets. Why she hid the information was known to only her and eventually, her parents grew desperate enough to respond to her every whim in the hope of finding her happiness again, earning her the scorn of her siblings. One day, Elise discovered a forum and a database with huge information about psychoactives. Though not typically interested by the sort of thing before, she was intrigued and within a week, money from her parents had ordered a sampling of drugs to an acquaintance's mailbox. Elise received all this and over the days enjoyed the products on her own, lost in thought day in and day out. Not speaking for two weeks except from drug-caused outbursts, the first time she spoke was to ask her parents if she could move out and live on her own at the age of sixteen. Feigning cheerfulness, the Avcı's were overjoyed by the daughter finally showing some joy. Upon her sixteenth birthday, she was emancipated and given the keys to her own apartment, not far from school and here, Elise began a new mission. Obsessed with the effects the natural psychadelics had on her, she decided her duty was to share that with other people of the world and she began growing various substances within the apartment. Making contacts in order to sell them, it became her business and Elise seldom went to school, except when a new game was installing. This remained completely unknown to her family and after a point, Elise completely stopped leaving her home entirely, only going to the door to give a package to one of her associates or retrieve orders of food or entertainment. However, in order to best work on her mission, she decided to reduce her drug consumption and due to this, her physical and mental condition dropped. Fearing the repercussions if she got out into the world and someone found what she had really been doing, Elise decided she would distract herself and surpass the aftermath of her decisions by spending her time in a new game, Pariah. Perfectly suited to her, an avid fan of roleplaying games and one that had nary a difference with the real world in many elements of its world, she soon became hooked and her new addiction became the game, driving her mind further and further away from reality, into a totally new state... [/color][/indent] [color=black][h3] A T T R I B U T E S[/h3] [/color] [color=white][sub]R O L E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]DPS (Spellsword)[/color][/indent] [color=white][sub]A F F I L A T I O N[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Tyhrien[/color][/indent] [color=white][sub]P R O F E S S I O N[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Hunting, gathering, fishing and cooking.[/color][/indent] [color=white][sub]W E A P O N O F C H O I C E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Kukris, main one kept on the lower back for use in her right hand, a second blade is kept on her left leg for cases where the first kukri might not be enough. Otherwise, she prefers to only have a blade in her right hand and keep her left hand open for spellcasting.[/color][/indent] [color=white][sub]B E N C H M A R K S[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray] [hider=Physical] [i]Critical[/i] Fighter: Eris knows where to cut, aiming right for weakpoints and not wasting her time with other places, usually to get the best ingredients for cooking afterwards. Not only that, but she can effectively fight multiple foes at once, her attention constantly switching between targets. [i]Early Girl[/i]: Always filled with energy, her own cooking helps her stay in tip-top condition... when she's able to cook or even eat others' cooking. Otherwise, without being well-fed, she tires easily and lacks endurance in combat. Not to mention being very quick to anger. [i]Warlock[/i]: Not only experienced with fighting with short blades, such as her preferred kukris, Eris has a good grasp on offensive magic, being able to throw some hard hitting spells, when she can get the energy out of her to do it. Preferring not to waste her time with weaker spells, she hits hard and each cast takes a lot out of her. [i]Pajarito[/i]: Like a little bird, Eris moves fast. While not a dancer by any means, she has an admirable grasp on what might be considered like parkour in the real world, with good coordination, flexibility and technique when going from point A to point B. Glass Cannon: While able to deal out hard hits, Eris can definitely not take them. If she misses an opportunity to dodge an attack or block the enemy's strike, enemy hits will take down a lot of her health and she will definitely not feel great afterwards. [/hider] [hider=Mental] [i]Haze[/i]: A side-effect of her many experiences with drugs while in the mentally-created world of Pariah, Eris experiences the occasional visual problems from time to time, often without the slightest warning. Worse, due to her waryness when it comes to hallucinations, she often doubts things she sees with her own eyes, until it's too late. Hypertension: High blood-pressure makes her quick to anger and only when she's doing activities she enjoys, such as a cooking, can Eris be truly calm, otherwise, making a joke at her expense is a mighty risk. [i]Amnesia[/i]: Not actually amnesia, Eris often switches moods, without much cue and totally forgets about it later. Conveniently enough, eating helps her return to normal. Munchies: She likes eating. A [i]lot[/i]. While originally just cooking to help herself achieve self-sufficiency, over time she came to love eating delicious food, whether it be made by others or by herself. Constantly coming up with new recipes, she seldom cooks for others, but on the rare occasions she does, there is only delight to be had, having made herself an excellent cook over time. On a related note, her teenage metabolism is in full-force, keeping her slim in the real world and keeping her from imagining herself as gaining weight in Pariah. "Protagonist": Seeing herself as the literal center of the world, Eris values herself and her well-being, though without acting visibly narcisscistic. If something will benefit her, in the short term or the long run, she will give her all for it. However, given the choice between saving her own skin or helping others, she won't hesitate to pick the choice that benefits her.[/hider] [/color][/indent] [color=white][sub]R O U G H V I R T U A L H I S T O R Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray][/color][/indent] [/hider]