Nevsky had not really expected to win the contest, and indeed it ended that he did not do so. Nonetheless he considered it a worthwhile investment, getting a taste of the other mans strength while also establishing a bond between them, tentative though it might be in this situation. It was undoubtedly better than them being complete and total strangers. "A good challenge," he said to Kintoki with a nod, before finding himself called away. They all gathered in another room, with him positioned next to his liege as their task was explained. The priest did not necessarily earn much trust, but he seemed like he was willing to restrain himself so Nevsky did the same. They were all supposed to be working together, so he would not sabotage the effort through pointless internecine conflict. So it seemed that there were two possible destinations to go to. One was ancient Babylonia, a time straight out of legend, while the other was the cold land of the North. Nevsky trusted his Master to make a decision, and in the end he did not have to provide counsel as to what they should do, with Walgrave going for Scandinavia. "Very well My Lord, so we shall," he agreed without complaint. Of course, he was not the biggest fan of those from the West, having been assailed by misguided Crusaders from that area so many times, but this should be before the Teutons were established in their current holdings. There should not be any problems there, assuming those who still worshipped the old Norse ways did not cause problems. "Rest assured My Lord, the snow will not dull my blade," he reassured Walgrave. He was used to fighting in the cold, and whatever this problem was, he was sure that the gathered collection of Heroic Spirits and warriors would be able to fix it. [@Beloss]