Due to the method of entering the compound, Shiomi was able to leave behind a lot of the extra equipment she had brought, like the wet suit. She had some reservations on just entering though the front gate in disguise, not that she couldn't do it but the plain fact that after the Princess Massacre it was even less likely for Japanese to be part of the Britannian military. To make this successful she had to draw as little attention to herself as possible, so she made sure to hide her hair under the helmet and cover her face as much as possible while riding in the jeep. The talkative Garcia told them not to speak Japanese, Shiomi did not have to be reminded. It was a bit rude of him but considering he was just trying to make sure the mission was successful it was easy to let it slide, not that it mattered anyway. As the only Japanese in the infiltration group she had already decided to let the others handle all the talking, she was only there to make sure they made it to their objectives alive and of course assassinate the enemy commander. She glanced over at Robert when he offered to trade the sub machine gun and considered the trade for only the briefest of moments. [color=a187be]"As speed is of the essence I cannot afford to carry such a cumbersome weapon. The pistol will suit my needs."[/color] As great as the extra firepower could be considering her role in the operation she needed to draw as little attention to herself as possible. She already had all the equipment she needed for the mission. For now she would stay with the group and remain as silent as possible until she found an appropriate time to infiltrate the compound and complete her mission. Of course the primary objective came first.