[@KatherinWinter] [center]Marisol[/center] Out of nowhere another Brother appeared, but this one... this one was different. His face... his face was scarred... he had the tattoos of a blood slave on his wrists and neck. Who could have made a Brother a blood slave? Blood slaves had finally been banned nearly a hundred years before so this was not recent. He was just as big and strong as the first Brother but there was a quality about him that made him terrifying. She felt afraid of this Brother. She was brought from her musings by a hand in her hair. The Lesser she had bitten had hoisted her up by her hair and snarled into her face. "Damn leech!" he snapped at her before slamming her back against a wall, knocking the wind from her. He took her phone from her hand. The dispatch woman was still yelling at Marisol, trying to get a location from her to send patrol cars. The Lesser crunched the phone into his fist, dropping the broken pieces before dragging her by her hair along the ground. Mari's hands went to the top of her head, as though she could stop the pain somehow by clutching her head. She screamed again, kicking wildly. The Lesser picked up the gun he had dropped and pointed it to her forehead. "Say goodnight bitch." [center]~~~~~~~~~ Rhage[/center] Rhage drove up and parked along the street. There were sounds of a scuffle going on. He swore harshly. They were too far into the city for him to let the Beast out. He would have to be careful and keep his emotions under control- His attention snapped as a scent in the air made the male in him snarl. A female. A female close to transition. Shit. There went controlling himself. The thought of a female in such a state being attacked by Lessers had his eyes turned white. A sign the Beast was fighting to get out. Rhage closed his eyes, his fists clenched so tightly on the steering wheel the thing made noise in protest and his knuckles were white. He could not lose it here. He could NOT lose it here. His mind told him to get the hell away, but his instincts to protect a female were going into overdrive. So he did the only thing he could. Trusting his Brothers to take care of things, Rhage dematerialized to the open country out near the Brotherhood mansion. There, in the forest, he let loose. The Beast broke free in a blast of blinding white light. The creature, looking like a mixture of a tiger and a dragon, roared loudly to the sky and started to run, searching for anything to tear apart. Unfortunately some mountain lions were unlucky enough to be found in his path. They didn't last more than a breath as he ripped them to shreds like paper.