[img]https://assine.sky.com.br/gameofthrones/assets/images/logo-got-retina.png[/img] The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros are a dangerous place. The Iron Throne is the heart of power throughout this expansive realm. Taking place in the early stages of the War of the Five Kings, ALL of the main-players in the war are still alive (Joffrey Baratheon King on the Iron Throne, Robb Stark King in the North, Stannis Baratheon, King in Dragonstone, Renly Baratheon King of the Reach/Stormsend and Balon Greyjoy King of the Iron Islands). Choose your House and change the outcome of the war. THIS RP [b][u]WILL[/u][/b] F**K WITH THE CANON. I'm looking for a Co-GM to help keep things balanced (preferably someone who is from a different House/allegiance than I -King Renly woot-). We will plan out the various stats for each main house, and keep track as the RP progresses, major choices in the RP (battle outcomes etc) will be totalled up with stats and then a dice-roll will decide the outcome. You can play an advisor to main/canon characters (e.g. an advisor to Balon Greyjoy), who may influence their choices amidst the war, or a handmaiden simply trying to survive. Characters will interact of course, so feel free to keep your character arcs as small/interpersonal as you like, or be ambitious and set your sights on the Iron Throne yourself. Doubling/tripling is allowed of course, and NPC's are a free-for-all. EXAMPLES [hider=Hand-maiden in Highgarden] She serves one of the noble houses in Highgarden and helps tend Renly and Margaery's wedding guests at Bittersbridge. She becomes enamoured with one of the soldiers and hopes he returns home safe. Depending on the outcomes of major plot progressions, she could end up moving to Kings Landing, rising up the ranks, if Renly wins the war OR she ends up becoming a Salt-Wife to one of the Iron-Born because Balon invades the Reach. (or countless other outcomes). [/hider] [hider=Robb Stark's Squire] He follows Robb to war and becomes an unusually helpful advisor despite being the Young Wolf's protege. Perhaps he's killed in battle or perhaps he becomes a Kings Guard. [/hider] EXAMPLE [hider=Plot Post] Stannis and Renly have readied their armies for war. Stannis has laid siege, although Renly has greater numbers, some of his troops are hungry and tired. Renly's stats are X/100 Stannis's stats are Y/100 Character A, a Whisperer is trying to steal valuable information to sabotage Robb Stark's advance on Joffrey Baratheon's army. Chance of success X/100 Chance of failure y/100 A dice roll would look like this Scenario X = 37/100 Scenario Y = 63/100 If a dice roll is 1-37, then Scenario X occurs, if it is 38-100 then Scenario Y occurs. (e.g there is a 37% chance of X happening, 63% chance of Y occurring). GM's are in charge of stats and dice rolls for major events, such as your character interacting with a canon character (not all interaction are dice-worthy, but acts of sabotage or trying to influence the war etc will require a dice-roll to determine success) or major battles occurring. [/hider] Any Questions? Interest? Ideas? Will update this periodically, but do keep in mind I'm waaaay behind on coursework!