[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=crimson][center]Spencer[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://i.ppy.sh/46e05df63e4fd0fac9209916621983e8dcf02571/687474703a2f2f6936332e74696e797069632e636f6d2f33306b613638352e706e67[/img][/center] [hr][hr] The merchant known as Spencer awoke to the gentle shine of her sun stone, signalling daylight. While the light itself radiated no actual warmth, the illusion of heat still hit Spencer after passing out beneath a lamp. Not to mention the emotional warmth of seeing her most prized position still around her neck. Head upon her pack and cloak resting on her like a blanket, Ira was surprisingly comfortable with her setup. After all, forty years of sleeping on the stone-cold floor was something one would get used to eventually. Spencer was no different, and as her head rose from her bag, she took a quick look at her surroundings, simultaneously tucking the sun stone back into her undershirt. She was in The Square, town square of Shezze, located next to a bench chiseled from stone. It wasn't the most luxurious place, sure, but it brought her some protection from the few elements which actually made it into the underground cave system. It also served as decent protection from anyone who might wander the town extra early, and catch a glimpse of her sun stone during 'daylight' hours. Speaking of people wandering early, a young man and two women whom Spencer didn't recognise found their way to The Square, though they left almost as soon as they had come, likely heading to their own destinations. Meanwhile, Spencer put on her coat and rummaged through her pack, her hand pulling out a deep blue elixir. The elixir in question was an illusion potion, to help her disguise herself among the commoners of Shezze and other towns. Put simply it turned her eyes deep blue, and made her fangs a little less visible. This helped greatly in Spencer's business, since there was no way anybody would buy things from a vampire; in fact it was likely the reason she could even have a business at all! She sure owed a lot to the potions. Her gulps carry a small echo within the empty town square, as would just about anything in the caves. As soon as she finishes the liquid in it's entirety her eyes change from their usual bloody red to a soft and gentle blue, and she sets the empty bottle back into her pack. Now down to three bottles, Ira summarizes that she has but a short amount of time left, and replenishing her stock would be wise. [color=crimson]"Only twelve hours, huh...?"[/color] It was enough to last her into the night, when she usually sold her wares, but it wouldn't get her much further. She knew she would need to replenish a bottle or two today, if she wanted to stick around in Shezze much longer... ... Which didn't sound like the best idea, mind. After all what little food and water she'd held onto had been sold off to those who desperately needed it, the freezing over of the town's water supply causing many to go dehydrated. Now all she had were necklaces the people here couldn't afford, a rusty dirk, some reading material, and a vase. Not exactly the kinds of contents she wished for, but it was all she had. At least she could read some of the books she had in her pack. God knew she loved her reading. Still, she planned on sticking around at least a day, to use up her potions so she could restock them on her journey back to the next town. Maybe there she could sell her wares more affordably. If there was one thing Shezze was good for, it was that the tunnel leading back to another town, which contained many of the materials she needed for her illusion potions. It was also a good place to go if she was desperate for a feed, but thinking about such things made her feel sick... [color=crimson][i]'Just... don't think about it, Ira... Don't think about it...'[/i][/color] With a big morning stretch, Spencer greeted the day with a smile. There wasn't too much to do in the small town except look for ingredients, sell things, speak with the locals, see the chapel, do her own thing, and visit the shop, so Ira opted to give her books a read. The Square was often a quiet enough reading place during the day, and didn't house many visitors nor noise, making it ideal for hanging out peacefully in. It was also a place she could practice with her violin, but that was usually better suited for night time where there was more people about. So, taking a seat upon the bench in which she had slept under till the morning, Spencer pulled out one of the ancient philosophical texts she had and began reading.