Magic using humans on the list? Oh yeah. ECAS is going to fit so well. Now, I would just like to run this bit of thought out backstory by you [@Lady Selune] before I get too attached to it: [hider=The Esoteric Counter-Assault Squad] In a warzone, the last thing you wanted to see was supernaturals on the side of your enemy. God's soldiers as some referred to them, notoriously hard to kill and especially deadly. Among the troops, a few lower ranked officers and their picks from the company formed an unofficial task force for specifically dealing with these threats: The Esoteric Counter-Assault Squad, ECAS for short. The brass tolerated their presence thanks to them reducing the amount of supernatural induced deaths. All that remains of the group today might well be the memories it's members have of the days, the ECAS patches they all sewed into their right sleeve and some footnote on official documents every here and there. [/hider]