Name: Siegmier of Untersbach Age: 29 Race: Human Country of Birth: Untersbach Country of Origin: Untersbach Appearance: [hider="Siegmier"] Armour and usual apperance: [img=] He also wears a few rings on either hand. [img=] His second sword is identical to his first[/hider] Bio: Siegmier was born to be what he is today. His father was a knight during the crusades of Untersbach on the several city states that lived beneath it. Siegmier was picked by his father's commander to be a keeper at the age of two. By the age of six he was being taught the basics of swordplay which he was a prodigy at. He eventually adapted the style of using two swords during his teenage years and perfected the art. He was the perfect soldier. Par one thing, his personality. He was treacherous and quick thinking. While he would obey orders on the grounds that he didn't want to die for disobeying the Oracle's decisions, he often at least tried to rebel every once in a while. Nevertheless, they kept his training on until his late teen years. When he was around 18 his instructor saw him fit for battle and sent him, along with a small troop of footsoliders to capture a small village who were prepared to take on Siegmier and his men. The other Keepers who trained with Siegmier took a month each to plan, as expected of them. However , Siegmier charged in as soon as his men were ready. They attacked at night and as loud as possible. This was a cunning tactic made by someone who knew that the village would have expected him to plan ahead. The loud roar of Siegmier and his men startled the night-guards who prolonged the time it took them to react and alert everyone by actually trying to see what the source of the noise was. They charged through the gates and practically beat the village guards with their own fists in order to occupy the village. After all, a village with dead guards is as good as no village at all. Siegmier's instructor was impressed with his ability to actually ransack the village with minimal weapon use and no killing. Much unlike Siegmier's classmates. As a reward, a weapon of Siegmiers choice would be forged from the best metal on Untersbach, Tungsten. Siegmier chose two cutlasses, which he became known for. When he left his training, he began training to be a captain of a ship. This training took him five years, inbetween which he had to go and fight the Oracle's crusades and battles. He eventually did complete his training but, didn't have enough coin to actually purchase a ship and crew. Soon enough though, the Oracle noticed Siegmiers skill with a boat and began plotting to discover new masses of land to spread his religion onto. After the year was over, the Oracle had gathered a crew worthy enough along with a ship made for a king in order to send Siegmier out to map out new territories. Personality: If you aren't Siegmiers friend then he will most likely betray you at some point. He doesn't like many people and prefers money to conversation. That being said, he is a bit of a loudmouth and is willing to talk to someone he trusts and calls a friend. Combat Skills: - Very quick with his swords - Knows how to dodge - Can fight multiple enemies at once using his dual swords Adventuring & Survival Skills: - Expert at drawing maps - Able to circumnavigate - Expert at sailing any size or type of ship Other Skills: Reason for traveling: Coin more than anything else. Mapping out the country will earn him a hefty amount of gold straight from the Oracle's pocket and making up a few things about him converting people to a religion he doesn't believe in can increase that amount. Other: