Natasha eyed Wolfe curiously as he made his way over to her then asked of her dossier, relived that he was military so he would understand and appreciate the protocols of classified information. "My organization doesn't really hang on to information about its members marine. We fall quite near to TRIDENT’s Umbrella of course but We are the equivalent of the U.S. Marine Black ops, or what used to be the Soviets SPETSNAZ GRU or even the British SRR. The major difference is that we do not belong to one single nation and we are privately funded. Members are hand picked by field operatives and once we are taken into the organization, we basically cease to exist by the world's standards." she paused and smiled wickedly then continued "and lets just say that I was trained at a cabin by a lake! Are you and your pal OK? You both seemed a little worked up before you came over." she finished, patting the marine on his shoulder then slowly brushing passed him as he shook his head in response to Hirschs statement to Twain The MOON operative moved casually around the bustle as people began breaking camp to return to base. A name she had heard during Twain’s conversation with the now dead, reanimated body was tugging on her thoughts as she found Twain and pulled him to the side speaking quietly “There’s only a handful of people in MOON’s Database that exhibit this kind of power aside from you Twain and I don’t like the idea of the ones I can think of off the top of my head. I recommended taking a shit load of pictures as fast as we can than blowing what’s left of his this castle and this ritual site to bits while we still can.” Dimitri was more than relieved when the corpse finally lay still once more and he very much agreed with the urgency that was being stressed for them to return to base. Crude Stakes nailed into people’s chests, runes, fire and reanimated corpses were never good combinations and the very area surrounding the ritual site permeated with a most unsettling aura. He would thankfully busy himself with the task of breaking camp and pitching in wherever he could. An idle mind in this area might prove devastating given the unpleasant energies surrounding the place. Dayna wandered about the ritual site visiting with people scattered around the place while they were busy with their tasks. She would have offered to help everyone if she could change into a more solid form but as is was right now, she could offer little more than pleasant conversation to all, the flesh lings She stopped near Shannon and circled her to inspect the suturing job Twain had done on her wounds. “It seems like Twain has very steady hands doesn’t it? Hmm? Lots of experience sewing things up!” she commented as she returned to the front of Shannon “Do they hurt much?” she inquired then continued a moment later barely giving the large creature time to respond "I don't like how this place feels Shannon, I can't wait to leave here. How does it make you feel?"