I can totally work him in as a Force ghost or something, for sure! XD Couldn't see him going down any other way than smirking tbh XD Gonna be a lot more feels in the "last dying moments" exchange with Ari in my next post before she goes to kick some Bracknell butt with Bol's help :K Minor spoiler alert, they are totally staying around! I was actually going to have them sort of attach to Aria as self-imposed guard dogs since she smells like Roan and they've been following him around so long they don't remember how to NOT be under someone's control (sad confused doggos incoming D: XD) And Ari is going to sort of attach to them as well so her and Bol are going to inherit some creepy, ugly guard dogs pahahahaha Mwahaha this is gonna be grand! Yep, I figured they'd need the Master helping them somehow or Bracknell would steamroll straight through them like he did with Roan :P Sounds good to me, can't wait to see what you've got! O.O *bounces excitedly*