Mmm... Adventures in space! It sounded like a fun time, especially with this crew. Toony was relatively new, having only met most of them the day before. Something about a giant spider and a swarm of bees was interesting when compared to the relatively humanoids next to them. Toony was the only robot of the crew, but at least she had learned to cooperate with the organics relatively well as to not be treated like some other robots shes seen. An example came to the table the crew was sitting at was the water bot. She figured that the poor thing probably didn't do much else other than wait tables. But if he wanted to do anything else, it was his choice, not hers. Besides, it was time for food! [color=6ecff6]"Oh, you can get me one of everything!"[/color] Toony replied at the robot waiter, the waiter a bit puzzled as to why a robot would need to eat organic food but made note of her order all the same. Being made of nanobots, she could do whatever she wanted with the food she ate, although it was mostly made into either energy, replacing spent nanobots, or probably ship parts. She figured that she'd probably be the one to repair the ship, thats usually what people had her do in the past anyway, even if she really didn't want to besides making the parts. She gave the indication of a wide smile to the rest of the group at her order, noting that fiddlesticks was drooling over the idea of his order. She wasn't the only one to notice this, as Vanessa who came out of nowhere looked at him too. [color=6ecff6]"Hello Vanessa, I'm good. Dunno about everyone else."[/color] Toony herself wasn't too familiar with the crew who had been around each other a bit more. It was clear in the fact that the other organics didn't run for the hills when they saw the giant spider lady. From what she had seen of most organics, they tended to be terrified of spiders.