[@Lady Selune] And a thing has been done. Was a bit confused about the Equipment stuff since it seems kind of odd to let everyone have everything, but eh. I think its good, but I can change anything if needed. [hider=Kat] [i][h3][center]"Oi, I don't need anger management...you just need to stop pissin' me off."[/center][/h3][/i] [b]Name: [/b] Katherine Sinclair 'Kat' [b]Callsign:[/b] 'Kat' [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Height:[/b] 173cm (~5'7") [b]Weight:[/b] 71kgs (~157lbs) [b]Appearance: [/b] Kat has short cut black hair, dull bluish-grey eyes are the things people would notice about her. With high cheekbones that lead into a small, somewhat pointed chin. She has typically pale skin, and stands roughly at five foot seven. Thanks to her rather athletic build she can come off as a bit intimidating to some people. Her snarky attitude, cocky grin and aggressive demeanor doesn't really help either. She typically wears fingerless gloves on her hands, a dull grey tanktop as well as a military vest. Body wise Kat has a lean, athletic build with obvious muscles over her body and is quite 'flexible'. [b]Other appearance:[/b] No scars, but she has a plethora of tattoos on her body. Most notably her arms sport an array of numerous tattoos she's been collecting since high school. [b]Uniform appearance:[/b] Aside from the fact she absolutely hates these things, Kat has done little to personalize her gear. [b]Trooper Type:[/b] Assault/Infiltrator [b]Psych Evaluation:[/b] Violent, has a bit of an anger problem, stubborn as a mule, but would help anyone in need if she can. She prefers solving things with her guns rather than peaceful solutions. Hit 'em hard and fast before they even know what the fuck even happened. Guerilla tactics, ambushes, and deadly, merciless efficiency. Finish the job at all costs. Losing is not something she knows the meaning of. She has however, shown to be an excellent team player and has a tendency to always take the dangerous parts of missions. Tends to be a bit of a sarcastic jackass most of the time when not on the job. When on it, she tends to be much, much quieter and is a surprisingly Sarcasm is still a thing though. Expect lots of it if you screw up and need her help or something. [b]History:[/b] I'm going to tell you, her history is rather boring. Given up for adoption by her birth parents? Yeah, but she was adopted by a rather wealthy, kind and older family that were unable to have kids of their own. So of you're looking for a sob-story about being tossed around to one bad foster house to another, you're gonna have to look elsewhere. Kat grew up in a relatively easy and comfortable life in London, thanks to her adoptive parents wealth. Of course, she's always had her attitude problem. Drinking, smoking, generally speaking, she was just about as much of a delinquent as one could get. After graduating high school, however, she made a surprisingly shocking decision - she joined the British Royal Marines at the age of 18 for a chance to see the world, and of course, put a bullet into someones head. She quickly distinguished herself as having...quite the particular set of skills needed to get things done quickly, quietly and efficiently. Two years later, at the age of 20 she was selected for a spec-ops group that handled things...off the books, so to speak. An Elite team, designed to take care of problems that the normal military couldn't, or wouldn't handle. She worked there for five years...until she was 26. Why did she leave? Well, she got honorably discharged after a particularly...difficult mission that the military wanted to keep hush hush. Hell, after what happened to her team she was glad to leave. She needed some down time. She spent a few years cooling her head, and moved state side after that. She calmed down considerably, losing that delinquent rough attitude. Though, she's still a sarcastic ass she's a lot more tolerable about it and has a penchant for the more macabre and violent things. She signed up to serve in this little S-Swat team mostly out of boredom. [b]Gear:[/b] Typically, Kat makes use of two different sets of equipment depending on what the mission calls for. 'Infiltrator' to sneak behind enemies and infiltrate quickly and quietly in order to surprise them, or an 'Assault' form for a more direct, 'shoot your face off' approach. [hider=Infiltrator Loadout] [b]Primary:[/b] SIG MPX, though will only be used in situations where stealth is foregone. [b]Secondary:[/b] Ruger SR1911: Heavily modified. A custom made silencer attached to greatly reduce noise made from the gun. [b]Specialist[/b]: N/A [b]Equipment:[/b] Smoke Grenades x3 Spy Camera x2 Breaching charges x2 Bolt Cutters All the standard equipment. [b]Equipment:[/b] Infiltrators Gear: Basically, things to help people get in anywhere unheard and unseen to hit 'em from the backside. Includes rappelling, as well as a grappling hook to ascend to the roof of a building made of a strong wire harness to support someone and anything else one might need to get into a place quietly or through unorthodox means. [b]Armour:[/b] Threat level I: Bandit [/hider] [hider=Assault Loadout] [b]Primary:[/b] A Remington 870. She's had it for years, and wouldn't want another gun by her side at all if she can help it. Affectionately nicknamed 'Remy' because she's creative. [b]Secondary:[/b] Glock 17. Standard issue for UK military. Souvenir from her service. [b]Specialist[/b]: N/A [b]Equipment:[/b] dynamic entry hammer stingers x3 flash bangs x3 All the standard Equipment. [b]Armour:[/b] Threat Level IV: Raider [/hider] [/hider]