[@Katakon][@Ariamis][@AimeChambers][@Aewin][@addamas][@Pudding][@FantasyChic][@Melo][@Mateotis][@Vocab][@Brithwyr][@Spriggs27][@ThatCharacter] Glad to see everyone is exited to post, and that Monokuma's introductions were so well received, phu phu phu phu... So I know I said that I'd make everyone go to the theater as soon as everyone posted, but I wasn't expecting everyone's activity to be so high. I don't really want to get the entire RP cast stuck in the theater, as you'll pretty much be limited to asking Monokuma questions. But I don't want to just write one long post where Monokuma is just blabbing on about stuff, there does need to be an interactive element. Meanwhile, there is potential for all kinds of interesting interactions right now. Here's what I propose: Monokuma is going to be explaining the basics of the killing game, everything from the hospital regulations, to your "escort's" roll, to your E-handbooks, and end with an open Q&A where he doesn't really answer anything. So what I would like everyone to do is post a question in the OOC exactly how your character would say it. The reason why I'm having everyone post publicly is so that we don't have duplicate responses. If your character wouldn't ask a question, that's fine, you just need to let me know here. You do not need to ask serious questions, but do keep in mind that Monokuma's henchmen are going to be around. They are armed with military grade weapons, so your character may not wish to mouth off too carelessly. Once I get enough questions, I'll write the scene, and then we can get on with the rest of the RP where you'll all have far more freedom. Meanwhile, you're still free to write responses for the current scene if you choose. Though I still encourage you to keep the topics light, as I don't plan on waiting too long. I'm very eager to see how everyone reacts to Monokuma's "quest." So I'll start by posting my character's questions. Shona Moffett: "Is killing each other really the only way to leave?" Davis "Perfection" Gallo: "Yea, I've got a question." Davis folded one leg over the other. "How are the sleeping arrangements in this shit hole?"