How's this? [Hider=Character] Name: Ravin Driver Age: 32 Gender: Male Bio: A money-wolf with little to no conscience. He lives the high life and likes only one thing more than his luxurious lifestyle--Using his "techniques" on (preferably) human subjects. He adores hearing bones crack as he lands another spine breaker on the unfortunate fellow that pissed him off. He came from a poor family in a neighborhood owned by a mafia, one day he got sick of the mafia taking his stuff and retaliated. This caused a massive retaliation from the mafia and hell broke loose in the neighborhood, three nights long would the gunfire be heard. Ravin fought through hordes of mobsters proceeding through the gunfire only by using their corpses as meatshields or occasionally punching a mobster hard enough to break through a wall, which would afterwards be used as cover. Ravin's parents were killed in this, but he kept this kept up until only 2 more mobsters were left; the boss and the second-in-command, each superpowered like Ravin himself. The fight lasted all of 5 minutes, the second-in-command ending up with his spine broken, and the boss with his skull crushed and through a wall. After this Ravin took all kinds of odd jobs, living cheap and building up his fortune. In this search for fortune he discovered he had more powers than only superhuman strength. During an incident in a snake pit he discovered the ability to emit a flash of pure energy, boiling the snakes in their skin. On another occasion he heard a coin race down a mountain of treasure, only after 2 months discovering it had been almost a kilometer away in an underground cave, leaving him richer than a man could dream to be. In this treasure he also found the weapons he still uses today, a set of upgraded, heavily decorated (In gold and silver) handguns. Since then he's even been more active on his jobs, always motivated to use his guns. He has made a 180 degree spin from his previous cheap lifestyle however, now that he has enough money to look like he grave-robbed several pharaohs. He decided to join the guild partially because the chaos threatens his luxurious lifestyle, but mainly because he likes the violence and above all, cashing in. Feats of strength: Tossing a limp body through a wall, crushing skulls and lifting humans and large pieces of debris. Feats of toughness: He's fairly tough since his bones are not breaking when he's using his super strength. Feats of agility: None specifically. Feats of intelligence: None specifically. Feats of willpower: None specifically. Feats of luck: He found the treasure! Feats of perception: Can recognize the sound of money from a kilometer away, it doesn't seem to apply to anything else though. Equipment: -a set of these puppies, but heavily upgraded for even more firepower. [url][/url] -A lot of spare Explosive Ammo .50 caliber, in these guns easily blowing through steel. -A suit of armor made of a very tough, kevlar-like material. [hider=-A motorcycle] [img][/img] [/hider] -A few things like a gas mask and compact night-vision goggles for the odder jobs. Universe of origin: My head. [/Hider]